February 22, 2024
Adding audio to object
February 22, 2024
Adding audio to object

Can I add audio to an object directly, instead of the slide in the new Adobe Captivate?  

2024-02-22 17:02:52
2024-02-22 17:02:52

Same types of audio as in previous versions. You mentioned the slide audio, which is th only type of audio which can be synchronized with Closed Captioning. If you add audio to a object using the media button, it will start playing when the object displays. Another possibiiitly is to add an interaction to an event using the Interaction button with the command ‘Play Audio’.

2024-02-22 12:07:18
2024-02-22 12:07:18

Hi! You can add audio to the object in the new Adobe Captivate. Just select the object, click on the Audio icon on the right-hand side panel, and click Import Audio. With this, the selected audio gets linked to the object and any change to the object timeline will change the corresponding audio timeline too. You can add audio to the slide as well as the object. Hope this is helpful. 

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