February 20, 2024
Master slides
February 20, 2024
Master slides
Followers: 4 people

Can I create and edit master slides in the new Adobe Captivate? I need it to customize my own templates.  

2024-02-21 08:29:44
2024-02-21 08:29:44

Hi! I don’t think you can add a master slide to the all-new Adobe Captivate. But you have a range of options to customize the themes. To add logos, header, and footer to the project I add an image with these components to the slide background. Hope this hack proves useful! 

's comment
2024-02-21 08:50:19
2024-02-21 08:50:19
's comment

Can you please expand on ‘a range of options to customize the themes. ‘  Styles are now limited to text styles, no object styles anymore. You still have theme colors, but there is no way to see which colors are used for what and we lost the tints for the theme colors. It has become impossible to connect with Capture or CC libraries to import theme colors which was possible in the Swatch palette. You can only use HEX, no longer RGB which could have helped to replace tints. Theme fonts are limited to Google fonts.  The biggest loss is with losing Libraries and the so powerful Master slides which were even possible within limitations for responsive projects with Fluid Boxes.  That workflow has smooth transitions for font size, something which is lost again in version 12. Preferences can’t be exported and imported? Use of multiple themes?

2024-02-20 10:54:23
2024-02-20 10:54:23

Not possible. One of the lost features, themes have been deprecated a lot, considered to be too complicated for ‘new’ users. Reusability is mostly lost. At this moment,  I recommend my clients (companies) for which I created themes and external libraries (also lost) to stay with version 11.5.553 (not the buggy 11.8.2) until the new version has grown up. It may be great for occasional users (like Rise) not for professional developers (like former versions and StoryLine).


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