February 28, 2024
New Adobe Captivate version updates
February 28, 2024
New Adobe Captivate version updates
Followers: 10 people

Hi! Can anyone tell me what is the difference between the new Adobe Captivate 12.1 version and 12.2 version? I also want to know how to upgrade Adobe Captivate 12.1 to 12.2? Is there a way to know that Adobe has released a new update? Or do I have to keep checking the update option in the tool? 

2024-02-29 11:11:50
2024-02-29 11:11:50

In the new 12.2 update a lot of bugs have been fixed. Please refer to the 12.2 update release notes to know more about the fixes. https://helpx.adobe.com/captivate/help/adobe-captivate-12-2-update-release-notes.html 

 To update the version, select the “Help” option at the top of the Adobe Captivate user interface. Then select “Check for Updates” and select “Update Now.” You will have to save and close the current Adobe Captivate project files before it allows you to run the update.  

 The new update information is currently relayed via Adobe Captivate social media channels, emailers, and community. 

2024-02-28 19:45:44
2024-02-28 19:45:44
2024-02-28 13:44:06
2024-02-28 13:44:06

Oops, have answered but included more than one link so it needs to be moderated. I will give you the most important one only, for the user manual:

Welcome to the Adobe Captivate User Guide

Announcement of a new update can be found always on top of the official Adobe Captivate forum and that announcement mostly includes the release notes for the update. You’ll see both links here when my answer is approved…. after over 40,000 answers I am still not trusted.

2024-02-28 12:54:55
2024-02-28 12:54:55

The Help menu has an option to check for updates.

They are also announced in the official Adobe Captivate forum and stay permanently on top of that forum. Check this link:


Each update also has release notes. For 12.2 you find it:

Adobe Captivate (12.2 update) Release Notes


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