February 19, 2024
Preferred style of navigation
February 19, 2024
Preferred style of navigation

It would be interesting to know if the eLearning developers prefer using a traditional slide scroll layout or the vertical scroll layout and any specific preferences based on the type of module. 

2024-02-20 10:27:43
2024-02-20 10:27:43

I even try to avoid that the learner knows there has been a navigation to a new slide, as has been always the case for all versions of Captivate before 12. The default automatic pausing at the end of each slide reminds me too much of PPT, which is fine for a presentation application but not always suited for an eLearning course where branching scenarios are often preferred.

2024-02-20 08:09:43
2024-02-20 08:09:43

Hi! I don’t prefer my entire course to be in a vertical scroll manner. But some sections of it can be vertically more impactful. I think the new Adobe Captivate has addressed this issue quite effectively. 

2024-02-20 08:08:50
2024-02-20 08:08:50

I prefer slide scroll as the courses look much more professional and less cluttered.  

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