New to captivate. Looking for insight with regards to utilizing variables (on the slide) that were created or manipulated in the action “run Javascript”. Even using localstorage.setItem and getItem is unsuccessful. Is this even possible?
best regards,
I would like to know which exact version you are using, because both variables and JS use is different for the present two versions: New Captivate (12.3) or Classic Captivate (11.5 or 11.8)?
Names of the variables have changed, the new version has a lot less variables, but in the New version they have a ‘type’ which was not the case in Classic Captivate. Did you see this document:
JavaScript interface for Adobe Captivate
Hi there,
Could you please share the code snippet that you’re using? you can send them to saghosh@adobe.com
Hi there!
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