May 12, 2024
Enhancing Learner Experience with Job Aids: Description Visibility
May 12, 2024
Enhancing Learner Experience with Job Aids: Description Visibility
Followers: 24 people

By design, the Job Aids functionality doesn’t have an overview page to show to the learners in ALM. The Job Aid description appears for learners in the player sidebar. ​ When learners open the Job Aid, they can access the description by clicking on the ‘i’ icon, which stands for “Info.” ​ Clicking on this icon reveals the description, providing learners with the necessary context and overview of the Job Aid before accessing the content.
job aids visible to learner

Additionally, learners can get a brief of the content during the list view of the job aids search results.

For admins, the published job aids description will appear while enrolling the learners.
ALM admin job aids

#How to make job aid description visible #Where do the descriptions of the Job aid appear in ALM #Adobe Learning Manager Job aids description

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