May 26, 2024
Extract ALM User Report with User ID and Manager Details
May 26, 2024
Extract ALM User Report with User ID and Manager Details
Followers: 24 people

A user report can be downloaded directly from the user interface (Admin >> Users >> Internal) however the report doesn’t produce ALM user ID and associated manager details You can retrieve it from ALM API swagger page. I have outlined the procedure in detail; please consult the accompanying video. Use the provided payload precisely as it is to generate the report. Once you receive the download URL, please open it in a new tab and commence the download by pressing enter.

generateUsers : This jobType is only supported for Admin role
“data”: {
“type”: “job”,
“attributes”: {
“description”: “description of your choice”,
“jobType”: “generateUsers”,
“expandMetadata”: < Pass “true” to export metadata as separate column >
“peerAccountId”: < To generate userReport of peer account pass peerAccountId here>

Sample payload:

“data”: {
“type”: “job”,
“attributes”: {
“description”: “description of your choice”,
“jobType”: “generateUsers”,

Note that the system may take some time to generate the s3 link to download the file if the user base is huge.
The report will consist the below data and consists of active, deleted, internal and external users.

internal  UserID, user Email, customerDefinedUniqueUserId, name, manager email, user Type, state, excludedFromGamfication, points earned, profile, roles, dateCreated, last login date, date deleted, uiLocale, contentLocale, time Zone Code, user source, group, Active fields, last Social Activity Date


#how to generate user report from ALM API #download #extract #user ID #Manager email information #all users #All learners #Adobe Learning Manager #ALM user ID #user report #data

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