Upload a file using Learner APIs for file submission Activity Module.
In this blog, I have attached a demonstration video of the workflow for file submission using APIs, using EvaporateJS with AWS V4 Signatures for testing.
Step -1: Save the Valid Access (oAuth) token from public APIs, as shown below.
Step -2: After we save the access token, the public API upload info response will automatically fill in the text area.
Step -3: Open the network log window, as shown in the video.
Step -4: Browse the file to upload.
Step -5: Copy the request URL from the network logs as shown in the video.
Step -6: Replace the Submission URL in the API response body.
Sample Payload:
“data”: {
“id”: “course:123_234_345_0”,
“type”: “learningObjectResource”,
“attributes”: {
“submissionUrl”: “https://example.com/abc”
I have attached the HTML code in an Word Document, along with the demonstration video.
While testing this, change the file extension from an Word Document to an HTM document.