May 12, 2024
Questions regarding content marketplace and Leaderboard inside ALM
May 12, 2024
Questions regarding content marketplace and Leaderboard inside ALM
Followers: 22 people

Queries you may have on the content marketplace and leaderboard in Adobe Learning Manager –

Content Marketplace

  1. Is the available content in the content marketplace only provided by Adobe and a few other providers defined by Adobe OR can custom content created by the client also be uploaded there and made available for learner?
    Answer: The content marketplace courses are only provided by Adobe and a vendor named Go1. Customers cannot upload content on the marketplace, the contents are provided by Adobe and Go1 only.
  2. If uploading content from client side is possible, will the content they´ve uploaded be available for purchase for any other organization that uses ALM?
    Answer: As mentioned above the contents cannot be uploaded by customers. 
  3. Can content be imported into the content marketplace from other platforms such as LinkedIn or Coursera?
    Answer: The contents are only provided by Adobe and Go1. ALM cannot source content from other platforms in the marketplace.
  4. How can I define SMEs to shortlist the playlist for content hub?
    Answer: The option to add SME to shortlist contents is available in the marketplace. I have attached a video that will help you out with the steps.
  5. Can these features (content marketplace and content hu be disabled or made invisible from a learner view?
    Answer: The option to make it visible for all learners and particular learners is available in the same place as shown in the attached video. You can also revoke their access if required from the same place.
    The admin, functioning as a learner, can access both the content hub and the marketplace. However, for other learners to view these, the admin must extend invitations, and once revoked, access to the hub and marketplace will no longer be available to those learners.


  1. Are there any other features that this option will provide other than the ranking of the users and their points?
    Answer: The leaderboard is only available with the learner levels and gamification points scored. There are no other records or information available.
  2. Can this feature be disabled or made invisible for learners?
    Answer: Yes, the gamification points leaderboard can be hidden from all the learners or for specific user groups or for specific learners. The option is available under Admin role >> Gamification >> Settings tab >> Confidentiality Settings
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