May 12, 2024
Troubleshooting VILT Session Invitation Issues
May 12, 2024
Troubleshooting VILT Session Invitation Issues
Followers: 23 people

The Issue: Users of ALM were not receiving invitations for VILT sessions in two specific learning paths. The issue by the Internal LMS Administrator, who noticed that even after enrolling users, they did not receive the necessary session invitations. This raised concerns as it seemed to be a recurring problem.

Investigation and Findings: The Support Engineer, promptly responded to the issue and assured the administrator that he would investigate the problem. After analyzing the situation, the support team identified two potential issues that needed further investigation.

Firstly, they discovered that the session details email template for other virtual classrooms was not enabled in the course or course instance associated with the learning paths. ​ This meant that participants were not receiving the necessary information about the sessions.

Secondly, they noticed that the session timings were set for the past year, 2022 in the course instances. This discrepancy in timing could have contributed to the lack of session invitations being sent out.

Resolution Steps: To address the issues, the support team suggested the following steps:

  1. Enable the session details email template: Support advised the administrator to ensure that the session details email template was enabled for all virtual classrooms at the course and instance levels. ​ This would ensure that participants receive the necessary information about the sessions.
  2. Update session timings: Support recommended updating the session timings to reflect the current year. By setting the correct timing, participants would receive invitations for upcoming sessions.
  3. Test the changes: The admin tested the changes on their end and confirmed that they were able to receive the session invitation emails.

Conclusion: Through effective troubleshooting and collaboration, the issue of VILT session invitation problems was successfully resolved. By enabling the necessary email templates and ensuring accurate session timings, participants can now receive the invitations they need to attend these valuable virtual training sessions. ​

Virtual learning has become increasingly important in today’s world, and it is crucial to address any technical issues promptly to ensure a seamless learning experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, administrators and support teams can troubleshoot and resolve similar issues, ensuring that participants can fully engage in VILT sessions and maximize their learning opportunities.

#Adobe learning manager VILT session issues #Classroom #ALM invitations #Calendar invites #Courses and learning pahts

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