Changes done last year | Release 39, 2023
To enhance efficiency and restrict report size to 10 million records, the following adjustments have been made to the notification announcement report generation process:
1. A date filter has been introduced on the report generation page:
1.1. The date selector includes options for “from” and “to” dates.
1.2. The “from” date is limited to a maximum of 6 months before the current date.
1.3. The “to” date can extend up to the current date.
1.4. If the report size exceeds 10 million records, an error message will prompt the user to adjust the date range selection.
Customers seeking data preceding the 6-month limit can access and download the complete report for individual announcements from the announcements page.
Changes in report flow:
– The report generation page now includes a date filter, allowing selection of data from the previous 6 months.
Change in behavior:
– Only data from the previous 6 months can be downloaded for all announcements collectively. If data from a period before 6 months is needed, individual reports can be generated from the announcements page.
#Adobe Learning Manager reporting behavior changes #Notification Announcement Report
#notification #learner #count #error #API #Issues #update #Job API #payload #reporting #ALM
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