June 29, 2024
Error : ‘CSV processing failed. Please upload again. Unable to locate organization root value in the CSV’ while uploading user csv file.
Admin may encounter above error while uploading the user CSV file.
The root user is the person who is not reporting to any other user. For example as below :
Employee’s Name | Employee’s Email | Profile | Manager’s Email |
Jim Smith | jimsmithprime@gmail.com | Manager | root |
Howard | howardwaltersprime@gmail.com | Learner | jimsmithprime@gmail.com |
Laura Vidal | lauravidalprime@gmail.com | Employee | jimsmithprime@gmail.com |
Above you can find that Jim smith is not reporting to any one and is the root user. So in CSV , according to your organizational structure , users who do not report to any one and occupies highest place in org strcucture can be made root users. For those users you need to mention as ‘root’ in Manger’s Email column as above. The below error comes up when there is root user in the csv.
NOTE : The above data is dummy data for example purpose.
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Error : ‘CSV processing failed. Please upload again. Unable to locate organization root value in the CSV’ while uploading user csv file.