Audience: Administrtors, Authors
* Course ID : Course ID is the unique ID which represents the course.
* Instance ID: Is the unique ID which represents the instances of the course.
Steps to capture the course ID:
Login as a admin/ author and search for the required course.
And click on the course name to view the course preview page. We can see the course ID in the URL
Ex: https://learningmanager.adobe.com/app/admin#/course/7113644/instances
Steps to Capture the instacne ID :
Login as a admin/author and goto to the course preview page and click on the instacne tab to view the avaiable instances in the course.
Copy the instacne URL in the required instacne to view the insatance ID of the course.
Ex: https://learningmanager.adobe.com/app/learner?accountId=120333#/course/7113644/instance/10367247/preview
Note: The same applies for the Learning program and certifications