June 9, 2024
How to Lock Course Modules in Adobe Learning Manager After Completion
June 9, 2024
How to Lock Course Modules in Adobe Learning Manager After Completion
Followers: 21 people

Understanding the Requirement

The goal is to restrict access to course information once a learner has completed the course. This ensures that learners cannot revisit and potentially misuse the training materials outside of the intended training sessions.

Workaround: Using SCORM Content with Multiple Attempts Enabled in ALM courses

The most effective way to control access is to leverage SCORM content and configure it with specific settings in ALM. Here’s how you can achieve this:

Step 1: Configure SCORM Content

  1. Prepare Your SCORM Content:
    • Ensure your training material is packaged as SCORM content. Tools like Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, or similar can help create SCORM-compliant packages.
  2. Set Slide Behavior:
    • Configure the SCORM package to “Show Last Visited Slide” upon revisit. This ensures that if learners revisit the course, they are taken back to their last visited slide rather than starting over.

Step 2: Enable Multiple Attempts

  1. Create or Edit a Course in ALM:
    • Navigate to the course settings where you want to implement this restriction.
  2. Enable Multiple Attempts:
    • In the course settings, enable the “Multiple Attempts” option. This setting allows learners to attempt the course multiple times, but with additional control over the attempts.
  3. Configure Locking Mechanism:
    • Within the multiple attempts settings, enable the sub-option “Stop new attempts once module is completed & passed.” This option ensures that once a learner completes and passes the module, they cannot start a new attempt and the module stays locked.

Step 3: Enroll Learners

  1. Enroll Learners:
    • Enroll your learners in the course as usual. Ensure they understand that once they complete the course, they will not be able to access the content again.

Additional Considerations

  • Module-Level Locking:
    • Note that while the entire course cannot be locked, individual modules within the course can be locked using the method described above.
  • Tracking Progress:
    • Ensure that your SCORM content accurately tracks and reports completion status back to ALM. This is critical for the locking mechanism to function correctly.


While Adobe Learning Manager does not provide a direct feature to lock courses after completion, using SCORM content with the multiple attempts setting offers a viable workaround. By configuring SCORM content to “Stop new attempts once module is completed & passed,” you can effectively restrict access to course information after completion.

This approach helps maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your training materials, ensuring that learners only access the content during their designated training sessions.

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