June 17, 2024
Workaround solution for movement in background?
June 17, 2024
Workaround solution for movement in background?
Instructional Designer and Student
Followers: 3 people

The situation- The SME’s wanted the drag and drop sequencing for their training. Sadly, they also think it’s ugly and confusing with just the words on a blank screen. I agree, too. It isn’t very intuitive for users to move each word. I wish there was a way to make rectangles around them. Here is the example of what they thought was ugly and unacceptable:

What I tried to do- I thought I was a genius by creating a graphic background with slots and making it the background, so that the words rest on top of each of my rectangles. Here it is in captivate (I am using captivate :

Sadly, when uploaded to our LMS, it is all wonky, looking gross. Also, why is the background color different?

For reference, here is how it looks in preview. Again, what happened to my white background, too? At least the image aligns!

My question: Any other solution ideas? I am realizing the background idea is perhaps a bust. Is the solution to just give up the sequencing question? Accept the ugly, non-intuitive version? I have only been working with captivate for 2 months, so I may have missed an option to explore.

2024-06-28 14:33:00
2024-06-28 14:33:00

My team decided to jump the gun and go with Captivate 12, and we do not have enough hours to learn the old captivate at this point too. Too bad you can’t switch between both pieces of software! Thank you for the reply.

's comment
2024-06-28 14:52:08
2024-06-28 14:52:08
's comment

Understood.  Situation is completely different for me, because I realize more and more that at this moment all the workflows which I designed for clients and for my courses are simply impossible in the new Captivate. There are some nice new features but they are not yet able to compensate for all the lost features, especially the control I use to have in Classic Captivate.  End of that trusted multifeatured application will probably mean also the end of my career.

2024-06-18 08:16:19
2024-06-18 08:16:19

I could offer you a lot of suggestions, if you didn’t use this new version in its present state. Captivate Classic has all features on board to realize this.  Do you really need responsive projects? Because that, together with the layouts based on canned slide templates and blocks is the main reason for the limitations. Maybe it will become possible in the future when all missing features are embedded in this version.

Just one example: drag&drop slides in Captivate Classic are a lot more flexible, and sequence can be scored. Moreover with advanced/shared actions the interactions are less limited and reusing them easier. You can visit my blog and use the tag ‘drag&drop’ to see examples. If you really need responsive projects, know that the Fluid Boxes workflow in Captivate Classic allows more control by the developer than in the new version as well. It has its limitations as well however.

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