July 22, 2024
Audio cut off for no reason
July 22, 2024
Audio cut off for no reason
Instructional Designer and Student
Followers: 3 people

I am having an issues where in my projects, the slide audio will be cut off for the users (in both preview mode AND published to our LMS). It will end about 1-2 seconds prematurely.

This is how it looks. I tried extending the slide length too, but the same thing happens.

Should I put the audio on an object on the slide? Can I prevent this? The audio is narration that is very important for users to hear.

I am using Captivate 12.3.012.

2024-07-23 15:58:02
2024-07-23 15:58:02

Lieve, thanks again! Your diagnosis makes sense to me. I will try adding gaps at the end and beginning and see if it alleviates the issue.

's comment
2024-07-23 17:52:45
2024-07-23 17:52:45
's comment

Please let me know if it helps!

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2024-07-23 18:05:59
2024-07-23 18:05:59
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Hi clairei13374473

Thank you for your question.

We’d also like to thank Lieve for sharing the correct answer.

We also wanted to add that the issue is not reproducible with CP build 12.3.012 therefore it seems a project/ object specific issue. In case adjusting the timeline steps would not resolve the issue, could you send your query to tcssup@adobe.com, we will align someone to check your issue on priority. We hope this information addresses your needs.

Feel free to reply if you have any more questions.

Amit Kumar
Adobe Captivate Support

's comment
2024-07-24 08:10:19
2024-07-24 08:10:19
's comment

Sorry to pop in again, but a lot depends on the length and the size of the audio clips, and on the bandwidth and specifications of the used device to watch the course. Short audio clips will seldom lead to issues on a desktop or laptop which is on a decent WIFI or wired connection. However lot of users do not even know that audio and video clips are much heavier than text and image. Slide audio is the most appropriate format for narration, also because it allows to attach CC. The small gaps solve a lot of problems as the OP here confirmed (again). You can also insert some dirty silence at the end of the audio clip, but that means that the user needs access to an audio editor like Audition.

2024-07-23 07:39:09
2024-07-23 07:39:09

I will try to explain what is probably causing this issue, similar to all other older versions.  Audio clips need to be loaded on entering the slide, and since they are quite heavy compared to images and text, that may lead to some loss of synchronisation. In this new version the timeline is paused at the last frame, and that will also pause the slide audio but if it has started later than the graphical assets on the slide that may lead to cutting off the last part. I would recommend to try to have a small gap for the audio timeline before and after, not just at the end.

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