Multiple Branding for internal and external users
Hello All,
In this blog we will discuss about the new feature implemented as Multiple Branding.
Admin can add the multi-level branding for this active field value and the external user can login with different mechanisms (SSO Single (Okta, Mini orange), Social Login) and check if the multi branding is applicable.
Function: User can now have customized branding page as per the active fields for both internal and external users. Here’s how to implement multiple branding:
- On the Admin app, select Branding on the left pane.
- Select Edit in the Multiple Branding section.
- Select the toggle button and enable it.
Once the branding is enabled you can customize the branding page as per the Active field (Location/Organization/Role) etc. You can only have multiple tabs for the same active field and if you want to update with new active filed, all the other branding will be discarded.
Internal users can have active fields like External users (e.g., Admin must add the multi branding for the internal users and external users separately by selecting active field values separately
Note: If multiple branding is configured for both internal and external users, with the same active field name, same active field value but with different configuration. In this case, customers would be recommended to use the same design pattern (logo, title, org name) to avoid conflicts.
Hope you will get a better idea about multiple branding and request you to educate the customer of this new implementation.
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