I recorded audio to a slide in Adobe Captivate Classic. The audio plays OK, but the audio line in the Timeline for that slide has disappeared from view! When I view the slide in the Audio menu, I see that the value in the ‘Sound’ column is “No”. All the other slides have a value of “Yes”. I don’t know how to change that “No” to a “Yes”. How do I get this audio line to display again in the slide’s Timeline? Remember, when I publish the project, the audio for that slide plays just fine, but I need to SEE the audio in the Timeline in order to properly line up objects with the appropriate seconds listed on the audio display. Normally when I have audio that’s messed up, I just remove the audio from the slide and re-record it. But I can’t do that here because when I try to select Audio –> Remove, the “Remove” option is grayed-out, as if the slide doesn’t even HAVE audio. But it DOES have audio. Help!