June 2, 2022
Hi I’m New to ID please Tips and Advice needed
June 2, 2022
Hi I’m New to ID please Tips and Advice needed
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 1 people

Hi, I am new to the world of ID, I have a background in digital media production. Which involves video editing, graphics animation, and audio recording for TV and film.  I am planning on working remotely full time and I was told that I could put my skills and knowledge in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, and Premire into ID. So I thought why not give it a try, and so I got myself Captivate to start my journey.  Is there any important information I should know before getting started with the job hunt please let me know?

Currently, I am learning the software and I have been using this community to help me when I run into a roadblock. SO far the help and resources have been a blessing.

I am taking any and all tips and advice, also I would like to know what kind of complex creatives tips you may have I want my lessons to look Dope.

Jun 27, 2022
Jun 27, 2022

Hi, good luck on what I am sure will be a very exciting and fun journey. I have been in training for some time and I totally agree with Lieve, watch some online courses, you will find some bad, and some fantastic courses, but they will all give you an idea of how to do things from a learners perspective. Then practice with the software. I am constantly learning new tricks and ideas the more I use the software and I am also constantly updating what I have done before. Don’t be afraid to experiment and if it doesn’t work then you know not to do it again and if it does then you can move forward with that idea.

Jun 15, 2022
Jun 15, 2022

I’m also new to the world of ID and am studying at uni right now. I’m excited to dive into Adobe Captivate to create content that I can hopefully use with my students. Best of luck to you!

Jun 12, 2022
Jun 12, 2022

Hi, welcome to ID world. I think there’s no other job title that contains so many specifications so it could be a long way. By the way, you have done most of it. Your skills in Adobe software are a great advantage. And I’m sure you can produce so many creative course materials with your background knowledge.
Seems like Paul, and Lieve gave you great pieces of information about being an ID. Maybe I can add something.
If you want to be an ID you’ll need to know about SCORM, AICC even TinCan, or xAPI standards. And I’m sure you’ve heard about LMS and LRS.
It’s just not preparing some course material and giving them to owners. You’ll need to know about the tracking specifications. It’s not important whether you’re an LMS administrator or not you need to know your course package capabilities about the tracking data. You’re lucky that so much information about this is on the internet.

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