Create compelling Scenario-based Compliance Training

Compliance Training is one of the most challenging aspects of employee development. Despite their value, every employee dreads taking it. In this article, I demonstrate how Scenario Based Training can flip these mind-numbing courses around! What Makes Compliance Trainings So Problematic? Unlike other trainings that help learners perform better and motivate them to take them, this is not the case with Compliance Trainings. There’s no mistaking the significance that compliance has in the workplace. Whether mandated by legislation, regulation, or […]

Measuring the Business Impact of Your Training & Development Programs

To determine the ROI of your training, you need to measure its impact on both learners and business. This article offers insights on a set of practical cues that can be used to measure the business impact of your training and development programs. Background Organizations make steady investments in training and development programs every year. With COVID-19 and the changed workplace dynamics, the work from home mode has led organizations to make significant investments in rapid virtual training. As a result, […]

Strategies to Design a High-impact Virtual Learning Journey

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered workplace dynamics, and we now witness the “new normal” of remote operations. In this article, I share strategies that L&D teams can use to design their Virtual Learning journey and deliver seamless training results. Background While the percentage of remote learners may change over time, it will clearly be an integral component of the workplace in the future. The high impact of the trainer-led classroom sessions is difficult to match when the entire audience is working remotely. […]

9 Strategies to Encourage and Drive Informal Learning in a Remote Working Environment

Humans learn a lot informally. In fact, this is a significant way how we learned as children. In this article, you will learn how to leverage informal learning in today’s remote working environment to drive creativity, innovation, and engagement. What Is Informal Learning? There’s been a lot of discussion about informal learning over the years – what it is and isn’t and its place in corporate training. As corporate training departments are scrambling to deal with the implications of a […]

15 Tips and Strategies to Engage Remote Learners Through High-impact Virtual Training

With a manifold increase on Virtual Training in the last few months, the focus shifts towards the approaches to increase remote learner engagement. In this article, I share 15 tips to help you achieve a high remote learner engagement quotient. Background Triggered by the work from home mode on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, L&D teams are looking for ways to move their classroom or ILT sessions to Virtual Training programs. The high impact of the trainer-led classroom sessions is […]

6 Essential Steps for a Successful Digital Transformation of Your Corporate Training Programs

The push to digitally transform corporate training programs has been building up and COVID-19 has accelerated it further. In this article, I share the context of this challenge and outline 6 steps you can take for a successful Digital Transformation. Background Over the last decade, the urgency of companies to undertake Digital Transformation of their corporate training programs has gradually mounted. Astounding almost everyone, the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated quarantine forced knowledge workers around the globe to socially isolate […]

6 Immersive Self-paced Learning Strategies for Virtual Training Programs

With travel restrictions and social distancing in play, Virtual Training is the most sought-after solution today. In this article, I share 6 immersive Self-paced learning strategies for maximizing the efficiency of your Virtual Training programs. Background While the Virtual Training delivery has been a significant part of corporate training delivery, the COVID-19 crisis has clearly accelerated its need across the world. With travel restrictions and social distancing, L&D teams are looking at approaches to convert the classroom/ILT sessions to Virtual […]

eLearning Trends in 2020 to Realign Remote Workforce Training Strategy

This year, the COVID-19 crisis has reset the trends leaving HR leaders and L&D teams to rethink the way they manage and train the workforce. In this article, I list 18 eLearning trends highlighting their relevance in the changed workplace dynamics. Background Every July, I relook at the eLearning Trends and Predictions I released in January to ascertain how my analysis and recommendations panned out. Training remote learners and driving performance gain over distance is the new reality. So, I […]

Killer Examples of Gamification in eLearning (Updated in 2020)

While the usage of Gamification for serious learning has been there for nearly a decade, there is often a question mark on its impact and ROI. Gamification for learning (or, notably, serious learning) is all about using the principles and key elements of gaming to meet the required learning objectives. As Gamification offers a learning journey to have fun as you learn, the learners welcome it. However, L&D teams who invest in it still have reservations on the value, impact, […]

Gamification Examples to Enhance the Impact of Your Corporate Training

Gamification in corporate training is the amalgamation of principles along with key gaming elements to deliver the requisite learning objectives, thus delivering a highly engaging approach to training. Through Gamification, L&D teams are able to expedite the learning process. As learners tend to achieve learning outcomes more effectively via an engaging journey rather than a traditional training approach. An efficient Gamification strategy offers higher completion rates as well an improved recall and retention. It can also be used to successfully […]

24 Virtual Training Best Practices to Follow When Shifting to Remote Learning

Introduction If this is the first time you are moving to Virtual Training or you are looking at rapid acceleration of your ILT to a virtual mode, read on! In this article, I share 24 best practices as you shift from classroom training to a remote learning mode. Background With travel restrictions and social distancing in play, Virtual Training is the most sought-after solution today for remote learning. If this is the first time you are moving to Virtual Training […]

6 Smart Approaches to Bring in Real-world Experiences in Online Training with Scenario Based Learning

Introduction Scenario Based Learning is an absolute staple in online training. In this article, I share 6 approaches you can leverage real-world experiences to put the learner at the center stage, amp-up knowledge retention, and jumpstart engagement dramatically. How Does Bringing in Real-world Experiences Increase the Effectiveness of Scenario Based Learning (SBL) Even Further? Powerful scenarios are more than interactive and engaging. When executed properly, they can influence thinking, add tremendous value to online trainings, and even drive behavioral change. […]