While L&D Teams often opt for “off the shelf” online courses to meet a specific corporate training need, many a times the required impact can be elusive. How can this challenge be offset? The answer lies in opting for custom mobile learning solutions for corporate training that precisely address the training need and therefore deliver the required impact. In this blog, I share the basics of custom mobile learning solutions and how they differ from the off-the-shelf or catalog mobile learning solutions. […]
Gamification in eLearning is fast emerging as an effective technique to engage learners. It has found its place under the sun for serious learning (that is, meeting specified learning outcomes). In this article, I will share 6 examples that outline how we have created immersive learning experiences using gamification for varied training needs like induction and onboarding, professional skills enhancement, compliance, soft skills enhancement, and behavioral change programs. Using Gamification In eLearning Let’s first understand what gamification is and how it is […]
While usage of videos in eLearning and mobile learning courses is an established practice, it is Interactive video, its updated avatar that is being proclaimed as the next big thing for online training. In this blog, I outline how can you use Interactive Videos effectively in eLearning. Before I highlight how can you use Interactive Videos effectively in eLearning, let us look at the key differences between videos and interactive videos. We also look at the key benefits that an […]
Recording of Webinar on How to Predict, Measure and Validate the Learnability of Online Courses
EI Design’s recording of the Webinar on Creative Instructional Design – 7 Learning Strategies You Can Use – Featuring Live Demos. Visit http://www.eidesign.net/ and write to us for a personalized interaction session with our Solution Architecting Team. Please check EI Design. for more eLearning, Gamification, legacy course migration(flash to HTML5), Microlearning, Social Learning, and mobile Learning resources.
The need for enhanced learner engagement in instructor-led training (ILT) today is stronger than ever and organizations are increasingly looking at active learner participation in instructor-led training deliveries. In this article, I highlight how you can achieve this when you digitize instructor-led training sessions through our eSpace tool. Why You Need To Digitize Instructor-Led Training: What Are The Factors That Are Pushing Organizations To Relook At ILT Delivery? With reduced training and travel budgets, Learning and Development (L&D) teams across […]
Assessing what is the right way forward to convert your existing ILT program to a blended or fully online format can be challenging. In this article, through 5 examples, I am highlighting how you can manage this transformation successfully. 5 Examples Of ILT To Blended Or Fully Online Training Even though blended training offers significant advantages over ILT training, its impact is highly dependent on how you arrive at the “right blend”. This depends on several factors, the top 2 of […]
The popularity of mobile learning or mLearning continues to grow. Interestingly, integration of mobile devices into corporate learning strategies has been triggered largely by learners who want the flexibility of device they want to learn on. As a result, many corporates worldwide now have Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies in place and have embraced custom mobile learning or mLearning solutions in the last 2-3 years. Yet there are several misconceptions around the effectiveness of custom mobile learning or mLearning […]
6 Examples On How You Can Promote Informal Learning In The Workplace Informal learning is impromptu, spontaneous, or learning “on the fly”. When we are young, this is the first way we learn; and we continue to use informal learning fairly regularly in the workplace too. It can happen every time we see something of value that can help us perform better. However, we often hear about the impact of informal learning and if it indeed delivers any demonstrable results. […]
Today, mobile learning or mLearning is an important part of the learning strategy of most organizations. As Microlearning becomes the preferred choice for both formal and informal learning, mLearning adoption will see further acceleration. In this blog, I share the key benefits of mobile learning. Over the last 8 years, mobile learning has come a long way. From its first avatar that was eLearning lite to the current highly learner-centric, self-paced learning on the go. Today, it is an integral part of […]
In this article, I will outline what mobile learning apps are and the benefits they offer. Using a case study featuring Gamified Assessments in the Mobile App format, I will showcase the impact they can create. Using Mobile Learning Apps For Microlearning-Based Training: Introduction The modern-day population is swiping its way to pretty much everything –shopping, banking, music, movies– you name it! Besides, the fact that people do it all on their own devices gives it that personal “touch” as […]