Tips and Strategies to Engage Your Millennial Workforce

Globally, there is an increase in the percentage of Millennial workforce, and by 2025, it is estimated that three out of four employees would be a Millennial. This generation has grown up differently, features very distinct traits and learning styles. It comes as no surprise that they need a different learning strategy too. In this blog, I outline who Millennials are and what are their characteristics (traits and learning styles) that would have a bearing on the required learning strategy. […]

How To Use Microlearning To Promote Informal Learning At The Workplace

Driven by passion and motivation, informal learning enables learners to pick the learning content they’re interested in, and learn at their own pace. In this article, I show how you can use microlearning to promote informal learning at the workplace. Informal Learning At The Workplace: How To Foster It Using Microlearning As we know, formal learning is structured, training developed, and deployed by Learning and Development (L&D) teams. It features: Fully online training (eLearning or mLearning). Facilitated training, that is, Instructor-Led Training (ILT) […]

3 Traditional Learning Theories and How They Can Be Used in eLearning

Learning Theories are frameworks that are extensively used by Instructional Designers to meet the requirements of the target audience and the situation. To do justice to this mandate, an Instructional Designer must first understand the Learning Theories in order to apply them. Once they understand the strengths and weaknesses of each Learning Theory, they can optimise their use. In this blog, I provide an introduction to three traditional Learning Theories, namely: Behaviourism Cognitivism Constructivism Furthermore, I show examples that illustrate […]

Top 10 Benefits Of Converting Your Instructor-Led Training To eLearning

Today, several organizations are planning to convert their Instructor-Led Training (ILT) to online training (eLearning or mLearning). In this article, I highlight the top 10 benefits of converting your Instructor-Led Training to eLearning. Converting Your Instructor-Led Training To eLearning: 10 Benefits The triggers for conversion of ILT to eLearning or mLearning are many. The push is coming from learners on one end (who seek the flexibility of a self-paced eLearning training offers). Organizations see this as an option to reduce […]

eLearning Trends And Predictions For 2017

As you plan further investment on training in 2017 and are on the look out for ways to enhance employee performance, read on and check out my list of eLearning trends and predictions for 2017 for cues on what may work for you! 2017: eLearning Trends And Predictions Organizations around the world are looking for some foresight, and it’s prediction time. I’ve got a few, but here’s a little disclaimer – I have no crystal ball, no tarot cards. My […]

6 Strategies You Can Use To Design Effective eLearning For Your Millennial Workforce

With increasing millennial workforce, organizations need to re-evaluate their existing learning strategies. In this article, I will explain 6 strategies that you can use to effectively engage and motivate your millennial workforce. Why Do You Need A Different Learning Strategy For Your Millennial Workforce? Of late, there has been a lot of discussion on the need for corporates to re-evaluate their existing learning strategies so that they can meaningfully engage millennial workforce. Is there a clear business case for this? […]

Migration From Flash To HTML5 – Warning: You May Be Losing Money

If you are reading this, you have decided to adopt mLearning or mobile learning and are evaluating an efficient way to migrate your legacy Flash content to HTML5. Your objective is to provide enhanced flexibility and a better learning experience to your learners. However, there are several issues that you must be aware of as you move forward with migration from Flash to HTML5. Otherwise, you may be losing money in the process and might not meet the required ROI […]

5 Killer Examples Of Learning Strategies To Design Corporate Training For Millennials

Millennials are becoming a force to reckon with, as their numbers grow in the global workforce. Learning strategies that worked for older generations do not resonate with them. Here, I share 5 examples of Millennial-centric strategies that can help you design corporate training for Millennials. Ready To Design Corporate Training For Millennials? 5 Examples Of Learning Strategies To Help You To begin with, let’s answer the following question: Who Are Millennials? Millennials are the generation of people born between early […]

How To Measure The ROI Of Online Training?

Today, most organizations use eLearning as a significant part of their training delivery. As traditional eLearning moves towards mobile learning or mLearning and provides learners the flexibility to learn on the device of their choice (notably tablets and smartphones), the eLearning adoption is gaining further momentum. eLearning and mobile learning provide several benefits to organizations. However, the focus is now shifting to determining its impact and the Return On Investment or ROI of online training. Measuring The ROI Of Online Training In […]

What is social learning and how can you use it to foster collaborative learning

What is social learning and how can you use it to foster collaborative learning As learning professionals, most of us are familiar with the 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development that describes how learning happens. According to this, most of us pick: 70 percent of our knowledge from our on-the job experiences 20 percent from interactions with others 10 percent from structured or formal training It is no surprise that today more and more companies are using some form of social […]

Best Practices to Migrate Legacy Flash Courses to HTML5 the Right Way

Today, mLearning or mobile learning is an integral part of learning strategy. If you haven’t opted for it, chances are that you are evaluating it. Besides new online training development, you certainly need to evaluate to migrate some or all of you legacy Flash courses to a format that is compatible with Tablets and Smartphones. In this article, I will begin the challenge that you face (existing Flash courses that are not supported on most mobile devices), the way forward […]

6 Benefits of Learning Management System for Corporate Training

With a growing need to foster effective learning, organisations worldwide are banking on Learning Management Systems (LMS) to establish a robust platform for corporate training and cater to the training needs of a wide learner demographic. In this article, we outline what an LMS can do to improve learning and what are the benefits of Learning Management System for the organisation. What is a Learning Management System (LMS)? A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application that can administer, regulate, track, […]