Super-Easy Dynamic Successive ‘Quiz Failure Attempts’

Preamble This blog is in response to a few comments and questions I’ve seen about successive failure attempts such as “if a learner gets a question wrong on the third time I want the program to…”.  Now Captivate already has a built in quiz function that allows you to show up to three successive ‘failure messages’.  This is great if all you need it to show a message, but what if you want something more.  For example, maybe on the second […]

How to Animate Buttons (and lots of other cool Javascript stuff!)

Preamble Something that I noticed with Captivate’s built in effects is that you cannot (or at least it is challenging) animate buttons.  In other words, a user clicks on a button, that button animates, and at the end of the animation, it fires off a function or advanced action. There might (or might not be) ways of doing this with invisible buttons, objects, and effects but this is one method. Please note that if you are very uncomfortable using javascript, […]

Rotate Objects with JQuery

Learn JQuery Rotate, Also some basic javascript programming, embedding external javascript libraries into your projects, and more!     Here are the basic steps to creating the ‘seesaw – type’ object: 1. Create the object and give it an id name ‘bar’ 2. Create two variables ‘sRot’, and ‘eRot’. Give both a value of 0 3. Create two buttons that execute javascript.  (unclick advance project ) Javascript code for right button is: sRot = eRot; eRot = eRot + 7; […]

End of Video Events with Vimeo

A few people asked how to create trigger an end video event with Vimeo, so here goes. 1. Create an html file (paste it into a notepad, and change the extension to .html)  with the following: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> //ENTER VIMEO EMBED HERE <iframe src=”” width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <script src=””></script> <script>     var iframe = document.querySelector(‘iframe’);     var player = new Vimeo.Player(iframe);     player.on(‘ended’, function() { //ENTER END TRIGGER FUNCTION […]

Create a Vimeo 15 second rewind button

In some situations you may want to limit your learners’ ability to fast forward an embedded video. This would require turning off the embed’s play-bar.  But what if the learner missed something on the video and wants to watch it again.   Here’s how to create a ‘quick rewind’ button.  Note that these instructions are for Vimeo only.   1. Embed your Vimeo video by importing the HTML zip file as an HTML5 Animation.  You will need to load the Vimeo […]

Triggering a function when an Event Video ends

I wanted a ‘next’ button to appear AFTER an event video finished playing.  There might be a way of achieving this with the timeline, but I thought this method worked better. 1. Create a ‘next’ button and ID name it ‘nextBtn’. 2. Hide the button (press the eyeball) 3. Import your event video onto the frame (name does not matter) 4. Execute Javascript on the frame 5. Enter in the following code: document.getElementsByTagName(“video”)[0].addEventListener(‘ended’,yourFunction,false); function yourFunction(e) {“nextBtn”); } 6. Watch and […]