Join me on Monday at noon EDT, 16:00 UTC for this eLearning livestream. I will be revealing my secrets for building the perfect software simulation in Adobe Captivate.
This time we will be discussing L&D lessons that you have learned.
As I continue to contemplate the implication of images as buttons, I start realizing that some of the more difficult things I used to do are no longer necessary. For example, I used to download font-based icon sets and edit my Index.html file in my published Captivate project to display these fonts to show the icons I used for navigation purposes in my elearning course. Not a hugely tricky thing but still, it required extra steps that I would prefer […]
About a year ago, a client sent me an Indesign file. When I opened it, I was prompted with a dialog instructing me to resolve the missing fonts from this document. I remember thinking at the time, I wish Adobe Captivate did the same thing. Well, good news. Now it does. In this video tutorial, I show you the process to follow if you are missing fonts such as the ones you might get from Adobe Fonts. I also show you how you can replace existing fonts throughout your course with something new just by performing a couple of easy steps.
Do you have questions about the new Adobe Captivate 2019 Update, or do you just have questions about eLearning in general? June me on YouTube live at 12:00 EDT | 16:00 UTC on Monday, June 17 for an Ask Me Anything. If you would like to participate in the live chat use the following link: eLearning Livestream – Ask Me Anything | June 17th, 2019
In this video tutorial, I show you the exact steps to update your copy of Adobe Captivate 2019 to version 11.5..0.476 (Update 2).
I’ve got some exciting news to share with the viewers of my YouTube channel.
In this video tutorial, I show you a couple of ways you can use the new images as buttons feature in your eLearning development workflow. Also, this video covers a bonus feature in the form of being able to not only use SVG files as buttons but be able to edit the fill color of your SVG images as well.