Register for Webinar – Mastering Custom Quizzes with Adobe Captivate 2017

Hey Gang, There will be no live stream the week of 26th. Instead, I will be guest presenting over at Training Magazine. The topic will be Mastering Custom Quizzes with Adobe Captivate 2017. In this session, you will learn how to… create a responsive design interface for your question slides in Adobe Captivate 2017 using fluid boxes setup variables to keep track of the selections made by the users of your eLearning course write advanced actions that will form the […]

#eLearning #LIVESTREAM – Should I Upgrade to Captivate 2017? | 2018-03-12 16:00 EDT/20:00 UTC

In this Adobe Captivate eLearning live stream, I will be talking about if it’s actually worth upgrading to Adobe Captivate (2017 Release). I will be also taking questions on Captivate development techniques. Tune in at on Monday at 16:00 EDT/20:00 UTC to watch live. If you enjoy my LIVE STREAMS, please share them with your colleagues and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel to make sure you’re notified of all my upcoming events. If you subscribe to my YouTube channel […]

Fonts and Adobe Captivate

There have been some questions in the comments of my videos that suggest that some people may not understand Typekit fonts in Adobe Captivate. This article will try to explain it. There are three different types of fonts on a Windows or Mac computer running Adobe Captivate 2017. These are system fonts, web-safe fonts, and potentially Typekit fonts. The importance of font selection only really applies to responsive designed elearning projects, since non-responsive projects convert your text into pictures, and […]

Use Select and Mask to Create Cutout People

While I don’t believe in learning styles, I do believe people have preferences in how they might want to learn something. I myself prefer watching someone else perform a task and then repeat those steps building my muscle memory for those steps. For example, about once per year, I found it necessary to remove the background from an image. I bookmarked this video created by Allen Partridge from the Adobe eLearning team. This video inspired me to start making my own […]

Adobe Captivate – Make Drag & Drop Behave Like Regular Questions

About three years ago Adobe came out with a drag and drop interaction for Adobe Captivate 8. It’s often used as a question slide either in your knowledge checks or final quiz, however as most will tell you it doesn’t behave exactly like a regular question slide. In this video tutorial, I show you how I maintain some consistency between my drag and drop questions and my proper question slides.

If I Could Only Attend One Live Event Per Year…

When I participate in events like the 2018 Adobe eLearning Conference, we call them speaking engagements, and that’s certainly part of it. I like to think about this as really an instructor-led classroom session. My YouTube tutorials are often five to ten minutes of instruction, but what I do at the Adobe Live Events is a full hour of demonstration (I don’t use PowerPoint). What you will see from me is one hour of me demonstrating how to do a […]

Adobe Captivate – Background Images in Fluid Boxes

In this Adobe Captivate video tutorial, I demonstrate how you can work with background images in your fluid box responsive design eLearning projects and ensure they line up the way you want them to.

Adobe Captivate – Syncing Typekit Fonts & Installing Themes

In this Adobe Captivate video tutorial, I demonstrate how you can sync Typekit fonts that are required for custom Captivate themes, like the ones found on my website or purchased elsewhere.

Adobe Captivate – Card Flip Effect

In this video tutorial, I show you how you can use effects in Adobe Captivate to create the effect of a baseball card flip. For example, on one side of the card you have the image of the baseball player and on the back side, you have the player’s statistics. This could also be used to simulate what recipe cards might look like or used in credit card training that teaches employees to check for the signature of a client, […]

Managing Advanced Actions

When managing Advanced Actions in Adobe Captivate, I recommend that you open the Advanced Actions window from the drop down menu rather than from the Actions tab in the Properties of a slide or object. This way you reduce the risk of accidentally selecting a new Advanced Action in place of what was there from the start. Click on the Project dropdown menu and select Advanced Actions. Alternatively, you can press SHIFT+F9 (which doesn’t always work for me) to open […]

Updated – Multimedia Resources For Your eLearning Projects

One of the challenges of working as a freelance instructional designer is the high expectation put upon you by your clients to deliver amazing looking eLearning for as little money as possible. I’ve also experienced this when working in an organisation also had similar expectations but no budget for stock photography, background music, or video. I wanted my eLearning to be rich in multimedia, but I didn’t want to break the rules when it came to sourcing this material. I […]

Several Multiple Choice Questions on 1 Slide

In this Adobe Captivate Video Tutorial, I show you how you can use the fill in the blank style of question slide to create a single slide that contains several multiple choice question slides.