Keyboard accessibility
Topic: Lilybiri’s favourite: Shapes to trigger advanced actionsDescription: The new smart shapes in Captivate 6 are really game changers, not only because they double as text containers and rollover shapes but especially because they can be used as b...
Topic: Making the most of Learning Interactions in Adobe Captivate 6Description: Adobe Captivate 6 allows you to add out-of-the-box learning interactions like accordions, tabs, timeline, process circle, glossary, and many more such exciting interact...
Topic: Things you thought you could never do with Advanced Actions and Variables Description: Shhhhh! It’s a secret, which will be revealed during this exciting session on Advanced Actions and Variables, where Dr. Pooja Jaisingh will demonstrate how ...
Topic: Go Mobile with Adobe Captivate 7.0.1Description: The new update for Adobe Captivate 7 is loaded with enhancements to help you create stunning mobile learning courses using the HTML5 publish option. Join Suresh Jayaraman, Captivate Engineering ...
Topic: Top 5 time saving mLearning secrets!Description: Have you always felt that creating mobile learning courses is time consuming? Interested in learning some time saving tricks? Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh and learn about productivity enhancement tip...
Title:3 Ways to Create Mobile Learning Like Never BeforeDescription: Keen to transition from traditional eLearning to any-screen mobile learning, but not sure of the best way to do it? Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh as she shows you three different ways to ...
Topic:What’s your choice? 4 Ways to Create Mobile LearningDescription:Interested in creating mobile learning content, but not sure of the options available? Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh as she shows you four different ways for creating and accessing mobil...
Topic:Horses for courses! Switch to mobile learning and stay aheadDescription: Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh, Sr. Adobe eLearning Evangelist, to learn how to author just once to create responsive eLearning projects that deliver the most appropriate learner...
Topic:7 Reasons to switch to Adobe Captivate 8Description:Wouldn’t it be great if you could author just once on the desktop, while the content rearranges itself for tablet and mobile screen sizes? With Adobe Captivate 8 it is possible to create respo...
Topic:How to Choose the best eLearning Authoring ToolDescription:In this live webinar join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh, Sr. eLearning evangelist at Adobe as she shares some helpful and time saving insights that will enable you to take a better decision if you...
Topic:Just-in-place learning for a Mobile WorkforceDescription:As an eLearning author, wouldn’t it be great if you could customize learning content based on where your learner is physically present? Learning is better when you can customize the learn...
Topic:Adobe eLearning Basics: Enabling TrackingDescription:Ability to track learner performance is utmost important for eLearning courseware developers. Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh, Sr. Adobe eLearning Evangelist, to learn how to publish and deploy your ...
Topic:Adobe eLearning Basics: Publishing to DevicesDescription:Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh, Sr. Adobe eLearning Evangelist, to learn about the different publishing options, available in Adobe eLearning tools, to make the content available on tablets and ...
Topic:Badges, Levels, Leaderboards, Accolades! Gamifying the learning experience Description:Learning can be made fun, and learners can be kept engaged for longer, by applying game-design thinking to non-game applications. These gamification techniqu...
Topic:Author on the mobile… Author for the mobileDescription:Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh, Sr. Adobe eLearning Evangelist, as she shows you how to create mobile learning courses using mobile devices alongside Adobe Captivate 9. Learn how to create storybo...