25 Brand New Video Tutorials for Adobe Captivate 2017

Whether you’re just getting started with Captivate and need some help with creating a shiny new project, or you’ve used the previous versions of Captivate and looking for some help to update your Captivate skills, there’s good news for you! We have published 25 new video tutorials covering the basic, advanced, and new workflows in Captivate 2017. In these videos, you will learn how to create your first eLearning project, simulation, responsive project, PowerPoint-based project, video demonstration, quiz, etc. You […]

How To Use Responsive eLearning Design For Better Learner Engagement

mLearning provides multi-device support and is undergoing a shift from a fixed layout to a dynamic or responsive eLearning design. In this article, I answer 5 questions on how you can use responsive eLearning design to create better learner engagement. Ways Responsive eLearning Design Can Create Better Learner Engagement What is responsive eLearning design?  Responsive eLearning design draws its inspiration from responsive web design concept that allows the website to be viewed on devices. Responsive eLearning design is an eLearning […]

eLearning Trends And Predictions For 2018

This article draws pointers from my eBook on the same subject, and I have created it as a short, ready reckoner on eLearning trends and predictions for 2018. What Are The eLearning Trends And Predictions For 2018? We are going through a phase of significant and rapid “learning transformation“. This has led to an adoption of new, immersive approaches to creating impactful learning that can lead to the required performance gain. This is not all. We also see that L&D […]

Top 10 features of Adobe Captivate 2017 for Responsive eLearning development

Adobe Captivate 2017 offers powerful capabilities to create fully responsive eLearning courses. What is notable is that there is no trade-off on visual punch or the learning experience. In this blog, I summarise my pick of the top 10 key features of Adobe Captivate 2017. Additionally, I outline EI Design’s capability in pushing the envelope further on creating responsive eLearning courses through customisation on the tool. With these approaches we create a higher learner engagement and higher learnability. Traditionally, the […]

5 Approaches to Use Video Based Learning in Corporate Training

Usage of video based learning has been used fairly extensively in eLearning. Video based learning continues to be in the top 3 preferred formats for learning. What is interesting to note is the significant position it is gaining as an effective tool for both formal and informal learning. It is also being used to support Instructor Lead Training (ILT) or Virtual Instructor Lead Training (VILT). In this blog, I show you 5 different approaches to integrate Video Based Learning for corporate training. These […]

4 Killer Examples Of Learning Portals For Corporate Training

Usage of learning portals for corporate training initiatives is gaining momentum. In this article, I share 4 examples of how you can use them for both formal and informal learning to increase employee engagement. Learning Portals For Corporate Training: What Are Their Key Characteristics? Learning portals are knowledge repositories featuring learning paths, and they are designed to meet specific initiatives. They can be independent of an LMS or can be designed to co-exist with one. Key Characteristics Of Learning Portals For […]

4 Killer Examples Of Using Mobile Apps In Corporate Training

With the widespread adoption of mLearning or mobile learning, the usage of mobile apps for learning is on an increase and for good reasons. In this article, I share 4 examples of how you can use mobile apps in corporate training. What Are Mobile Apps In Corporate Training Or Apps For Learning? Did you know that the number of mobile apps downloaded in 2017 was over 197 billion across the world? Given that, most of us use apps for various […]

#SmarteLearning with the 2017 Release of Adobe Captivate

In a world of smart-everything, from cities to televisions, why should eLearning be left out? With an innovative approach to authoring, content, and total cost of ownership, you can be more creative, productive, and inclusive than ever before. Intelligent Authoring With Adobe Captivate, put your tool to work! Create fully responsive content, automatically, with all-new Fluid Boxes. Deliver the best experience for your learners’ device without doing anything more. Design with high-quality fonts that are consistent across devices and spring […]

Top 10 Benefits of Microlearning in Corporate Training

You may have read about a Microsoft study that pegs the human attention span at 8 seconds while the attention span of a goldfish is believed to be 9 seconds. We may or may not agree with the results of the study but there is clearly a need to have learning strategies that can offset the challenge of dwindling attention spans. In this blog, I highlight how usage of Microlearning is helping learners and organisations offset the challenge of dwindling […]

Rotate Objects with JQuery

Learn JQuery Rotate, Also some basic javascript programming, embedding external javascript libraries into your projects, and more!     Here are the basic steps to creating the ‘seesaw – type’ object: 1. Create the object and give it an id name ‘bar’ 2. Create two variables ‘sRot’, and ‘eRot’. Give both a value of 0 3. Create two buttons that execute javascript.  (unclick advance project ) Javascript code for right button is: sRot = eRot; eRot = eRot + 7; […]

Digital Learning, Brand and Communications: The Holy Trinity

If you’re a Digital Learning professional at a reasonably sized organisation or larger, you’ll most likely be liaising with both an Internal Brand and Internal Communications team. The three teams can support one another in a number of ways and form an effective partnership. Brand Let’s start with how a Digital Learning Team can work with the Brand team. Brand guidelines are an enabler for a Digital Learning team, despite the outdated notion of the ‘Brand Police’, critiquing work with […]

Tips and Strategies to Engage Your Millennial Workforce

Globally, there is an increase in the percentage of Millennial workforce, and by 2025, it is estimated that three out of four employees would be a Millennial. This generation has grown up differently, features very distinct traits and learning styles. It comes as no surprise that they need a different learning strategy too. In this blog, I outline who Millennials are and what are their characteristics (traits and learning styles) that would have a bearing on the required learning strategy. […]