Articles with tag : Getting started with all new Adobe Captivate
I have added a slide video to a slide, then added a bookmark at the beginning of the timeline for that slide. I then added a button with the action "Jump to Bookmark", referencing that bookmark at the start of the video - essentially a "Replay video"...
IntroductionCreating engaging and interactive eLearning content is more critical than ever in today's fast-paced digital learning environment. Adobe Captivate stands out as a premier tool for eLearning developers, providing a rich array of features t...
INTRO Last week I posted an example project, where you could choose between English and Dutch to do a quiz with 7 questions. If you missed it, here is the link:Quiz localisation in Captivate 12.3 - eLearning ( quiz was with one attempt b...
In the latest version of Adobe Captivate, the Bookmark and Overlay on the Timeline feature allows us to enhance our eLearning projects by adding interactive elements and navigation aids.
INTRO Whenever possible I use AI when I expect to save time. Not being a native English speaker, and maintaining a blog where I often publish live examples of Captivate's output, it helps me designing text-based content for those examples while provi...
Are comparisons between workflows in New and Classic Captivate forbidden?I posted this blog post 5th of February and it is not moderated. If it is indeed forbidden, please tell me so that I don't lose any time to prepare those blogs. This one contain...
This is my first question ever in this communnnity, although I have answered tons of them. With the new verzion released, I thought it would be helpful to explore differences between features and workflows between the former versions and version 12. ...
INTRO I have spent some weeks exploring and comparing the use of Bookmarks in Classic and New Captivate. Originally I believed to be able to show you the results in one article, illustrated by a Captivate tutorial. However this would lead to a very h...