Articles with tag : PowerPoint

Adobe has long been a pioneer in the world of digital creativity, providing
powerful tools for designers, marketers, and content creators. As we step into
2025, Adobe continues to push boundaries with AI-driven innovations, cloud-based

Today, businesses must outpace the rapidly evolving digital landscape with
knowledge and tools to stay ahead of the game. For an eCommerce business, this
implies teaching teams best practices in the industry, the most emerging trends,
and cutting-edg...
Hello, I have the latest version of the Adobe Captivate Classic and works ok
when I am importing PowerPoint presentations, but when I am selecting the "High
fidelity" option upon importing the ppt file, it loads, and at some point
crashes and the app...

We’re excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive Help article designed
with YOU in mind!
Have you ever been puzzled by a task or needed help navigating a feature in our
product? We know how important it is to get quick answers without any del...
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Presentations are the heartbeat of communication, pulsating with energy in
classrooms, boardrooms, and beyond. But who wants a lackluster presentation that
leaves the audience yawning? The great news is that it doesn't have to be that
way! A mesmeriz...
How do i import an existing project from Classic into the new Adobe Captivate
1 comment
Our team has a graphic designer who normally creates custom PowerPoint templates
for our various courses. Can we import custom assets (designs) into Captivate so
that each of our courses has a custom look?
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We are almost at the mid of the year, and as part of the organization’s crucial
training, we all take up the compliance and security training along with other
training our job requires. How about making this year with easier access to a...
Hi there, I am look for advice and support to convert my power point
presentation into eLearning module via captivate. I am struggling with the new
version of Captivate.
I am so confused. I downloaded the trial of Captivate today and the ONLY import
option I have is word? I want to test brining in a powerpoint. The interface in
the trail feels like it's missing so much! Please help!
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on the 2017 version it was one of the first prompts to start a project via
Powerpoint presentation. I cant find that same option with the new 2023 version.
In the previous article, I used ChatGPT to create the foundation for a scenario
based course that I will create in the All-New Adobe Captivate. For this second
part, I'm going to develop that initial content into the structure for our
interactive sce...

For decades eLearning developers have often turned to Microsoft PowerPoint to
facilitate the creation of both slides to supplement a live face to face or
virtual lecture, and to serve as the base for an online eLearning course. The
latest release of ...

Im having an issue when updating a project with a pptx import. The project
contains animations and sounds (mp3). There's no issue when doing a fresh import
but when you have to update the project from the pptx, it finishes the copy
pasting process bu...
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