Articles with tag : recording

Remember the last time you found yourself scrolling endlessly through a social
media feed or an online article, and lost track of time? Imagine harnessing the
same addictive behavior to revolutionize the way your learners navigate
eLearning content. ...

Hello. I am using Adobe Captivate 2019 ( trial version in Windows 10
22H2.In the screenshot below you can see some information about my system. After
stopping the simulation recording, I see that some of the frames are missing in
the projec...
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I have attempted to record simulations all morning on MAC Book Pro and Captivate
Classic 11.8.2 keeps crashing. I recorded last week and all was well, I updated
Captivate 19 and it crashes after about 20 minutes into the simulation. Please
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Good Day, I have recently upgraded from Captivate 2017 to 2019. I am trying to
record a software simulation training and demo. I am using Automatic recording,
multiple monitors (I have tried recording from each monitor, including
disconnecting and on...
Hi all! My current project requires me to create an audio-based course for a
language learning program. I am looking for some input on the most suitable
tools or resources that can help me design an effective audio-based course for
language learning....
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Howdy y’all! Posting to check if anyone could recommend a free screen-capturing
tool for making User Guides.Many come with watermarks if free. Just thinking if
paid ones are the only option. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Here I show you the steps to using audio in your Captivate files. This includes
background, slide, and object audio and the various ways to set up each.
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