Articles with tag : save as responsive
I used captivate CS 5.5 and then CS6 a lot in 2014. (At that time), I preferred all my O/P publication in SWF. Then, was engaged in a projects that uses another software/tools Visual studio …. But as HTML5 is now growing as default standard, I just r...
Hi, I am unable to download Captivate 2017 due to the following 'file missing' error.Please help. Thank you! Best regards, Arpita Chowdhury
Hi, I am very new to Captivate and looking for some help. I have created training using seminar recordings (mp4) files. I created an intro (text only) slide and then inserted the video in the next. The last slide is a simple 1 question quiz so I can ...
CAPTIVATE HAS TRULY COME TO MY RESCUE! Since my traditional face to face training days over 10 years ago, things in the L&D space has changed so much. For the better of course! The past couple of years I've been doing a bit here and there in between ...
In the course I'm building the user gets two chances to take the final quiz. If the user fails the second time, I want the user to watch the course and take the quiz again. I've tried using the "jump to slide" option on the "if failing grade" conditi...
I am creating a screen cast assessment, where I want to the learner to pass on how accurately they've remembered a set process. I have one 'correct' click box per screen which is scored to a variable called click_counter. To capture random clicks I h...
When I publish in Captivate 2017 in a SWF format, MP4 videos inserted into a frame does not open. I receive "connection error" or "error". I get this error on MacBook and Windows PC. Preview works fine, just publishing issue.
Storyboarding in Adobe Captivate (2017 or Draft App) vs. Microsoft PowerPoint Over the years we have watched Adobe Captivate evolve into one of the leading tools for developing rapid learning solutions. However, it is still amazing that so many Adobe...
Captivate 2017 is the recent launch by Adobe and is turning out to be A piece of cake for eLearning developers to create responsive ELearning modules. If I have to pick an eye catching feature from the tool I would surely pick “Fluid Boxes” which is ...
Hello i created a content in captivate 2017, i've just exported the content to the captivate prime and locally and i just get a black screen and sometimes a white screen with a loading icon but the content never appear, somebody faced the same proble...
Here's another question related to a project I previously asked a question about. I'm trying to make an object slide off the page to the right, change it's state, and then slide back on to the page from the right. The problem is that one effect seem...
I saw in older posts that it was not possible to retake a quiz once you reviewed it (without closing the course). I was wondering if there is anything in 2017 that will allow an exam to be retaken. I know about knowledge checks but that is not what I...
Adobe Captivate is a one-stop solution for all the rapid, responsive and interactive eLearning requirements. In this blog we will go through the process of converting PowerPoint presentations (instructor-led training PPT deck) into interactive and en...
To follow along with this article, download the project from here: Customize_Content_Using_Optionaland then continue.WHAT IS OPTIONAL? Optional is an option only available for Fluid boxes, and objects added to Fluid boxes. Marking an object optional ...