Articles with tag : timing
Hi all. I am brand new to Adobe Captivate and am using the most updated version. Do you typically use one Captivate project per course or one Captivate project per section? I am wondering because I think my LMS has some features that Adobe Captivate ...
Steps to create the internal user using Admin API: * Login as an Integration admin * Goto to the Developer resources >> API reference * Select the admin profile and authorize * Goto the User : Set of User APIs * use the Post call : Post: /Users * use...
You can avoid the user from changing the active fields in Adobe Learning Manager if one of them is blank by avoiding the 'Complete your profile' page display through the steps below. Login > Admin > Users > Active fields > Settings > User Display > C...
You can add the required extra field when adding an individual user in your Adobe Learning Manager account by following the below steps. -> Login > Admin > Users > Active Fields > Configure Fields > Add the required field for Internal Users > Setting...
The effect of exact match domains (EMDs) on search engine rankings has been a topic of discussion in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) for many years. Historically, people have thought of exact match search queries (EMDs) as a quick route...
WARNING At this moment two versions of Captivate are functional with the same license: Captivate Classic (version 11.8) and Captivate (version 12, also named Charm). The workflows described in this post are only functional in Captivate Classic. In ve...
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In this session, you will learn how to: 1) Use Quick Start Projects for creating visually appealing eLearning courses. 2) Use the ready-to-go slides and customize them according to your needs. 3) Quickly create your eLearning course that is rich with...
I opened captivate and clicked "New Project" and then "Project from MS Powerpoint" and instead of creating a new project it uploaded over an existing project. I did not realize this until I made several changes and clicked save. Can anyone help me re...
Hi, I am trying to create a brand new Responsive Project and every time I click create Captivate closes. Help!
Guest Blog by: Sara Carpenter, President and Founder at Qurve Learning.At Qurve Learning, we create e-learning programs that help patients prepare for medical procedures. Our programs are fully narrated and use photos, illustrations, animation, and v...