Articles with tag : while conditional action
I have two objects on the screen, the user can click either object to begin.
When the user clicks object01, audio01 plays. I want to disable object02, until
learner hears the entire audio01. I'm assuming I need to use variables? but I
have no clue. I...
I'm fairly new to this product, but I'm wondering if there's a way to ensure
users scroll to the bottom of a PDF BEFORE they can proceed to the next slide.
I've tried everything but I'm not sure if it can even be done here, if that's a
PDF edit or ev...
Hello everyone, just wondering if it was possible to require all videos to be
watched before moving on to the next slide? If not does anyone have a suggestion
on a way to make that happen? I am using the new Captivate and pretty green
still! Thank yo...
I have converted PPT slides with voice over. I don't want the next slide button
to appear until close to the end of the audio. I tried setting timing for that
button to 'Appear After' and set the time close to the length of the audio
playback. I have...
Anyone know a way to target customer buttons that are on the master page? I have
a back and next button that I need to mask until the content on the slide has
been visited/viewed. (I can use a variable on the slide content itself to say it
has been s...
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Review the output tutorial published in thispost. The two first use cases were
about a knowledge check question where the learner needs to create physics
formulas, by clicking the terms in the formula. Those terms are multistate
objects, used a...
The introduction of Multistate objects have changed my workflows a lot. It is a
pity that we don't have a system variable which allows to easily identify the
state of a multistate object, either by its number or by its name. For that
reason I w...
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New to Captivate. I created a project and am having an issue with 1 slide. I
used the Diverse Horizontal tab slide. and have all four tabs set up. However,
this project does use a Continue button and clickbox over it...when I publish,
it says Continu...
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Hi Guys In my dream scenario I would like a red outline shape to appear on my
software simulation (to show where I want someone to click) only when the
incorrect smartshape appears. At the moment the red outline is visible all the
time, which makes t...
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We recently released a free update for Adobe Captivate 7 and it includes some
stunning new features and enhancements like support for iOS 7.0.3, Android 4.2
and later, Mac OS 10.9, and Windows 8.1, color swatches, lock size and position
of objects, s...
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