Articles with tag : Edit Text captions
We can set up a learning plan with a condition 'new learner' so that courses
gets assigned to this learner automatically. Please find the screen recording of
step by step on how to set-up the learning plan. [video width="1280"
Problem Statement:Certification not showing the updated content!! / Is it
possible to update the content associated with the recurring certification in
ALM?Role:Author.Brief Description:There are cases where author users update the
course content or ...
On the slide, I have a Captivate audio file and a SnagIt video file. Currently,
I can only pause one or the other by using the skin editor for the Captivate
audio file or the scrollbar play/pause button on the SnagIt video file. How do I
create a pau...
Problem Statement:Parent certifications getting auto retired/ is it required to
retire the parent certification?Role:Admin.Brief Description:There are cases
where admin experience that their parent certifications are getting auto
retired. In few case...
User Experience Flow: When a learner chooses their preferred categories, the
system should update the user details of that specific user with the selected
category information, marking it as an active field value. This active field
serves as a user a...
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The learning plan Auto instance cannot be selected for bulk unenrolling
There are cases where the admin wants to bulk unenroll users from the learning
plan auto instance using the bulk unenrollment optio...
Yesterday I posted this example project with the promise to explain the used
workflow in a blog post:Play/Pause (Timeline use case) - eLearning (adobe.com)
The basic conditional action for the custom Play/Pause button, which is timed...

Today, the advent of technology has revolutionized everything in our lives. And
just like any other thing, learning is also affected by technology. The modes of
both learning and teaching are rapidly evolving with technology. Today,
educational insti...
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