Articles with tag : New Features

Hi everyone, Please help me understand why I can't maintain vertical alignment
of text, buttons, cards etc In the screenshot, I have done the following:Created
a New projectAdded the Image media block to the slide Changed the design option
to: Introd...
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IntroductionAdobe Captivate 12.4 has arrived with exciting new features aimed at
elevating the experience for eLearning developers and learners. These
enhancements not only streamline the course creation process but also provide
more versatility and ...
Is there a way to create a Likert scale slide in Captivate version
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Hi all. I am brand new to Adobe Captivate and am using the most updated version.
Do you typically use one Captivate project per course or one Captivate project
per section? I am wondering because I think my LMS has some features that Adobe
Captivate ...
As the sun set on the 15th annual Adobe Learning Summit this October, attendees
found themselves caught between waves of nostalgia and surges of excitement for
the future. The three-day event, held from October 1st to 3rd, 2024, at Resorts
World, Las...
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