Articles with tag : States
Question: Could you recommend how we can hyperlink a video into our Native LMS?
Solution: The learners can be redirected to the video hyperlink by following the
below steps. -> Login as an Author. -> Create a course with the module type "
Activity Mo...
Review the output tutorial published in thispost. The two first use cases were
about a knowledge check question where the learner needs to create physics
formulas, by clicking the terms in the formula. Those terms are multistate
objects, used a...
The introduction of Multistate objects have changed my workflows a lot. It is a
pity that we don't have a system variable which allows to easily identify the
state of a multistate object, either by its number or by its name. For that
reason I w...
Captivate lets you create multiple states for any object, but often Captivate
developers are confused by just how to use them. This video explains in detail
how it's done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6FEpTWkWKY

I am trying to get tab navigation to work for some interactions that I have. I
am able to set the tab navigation and everything works fine, except as far as I
can see there is no indication when a button is selected. Is there an in-built
tab selected...
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This course offers a detailed (video) workflow how to create and use for
Drag&Drop objects. The mastered skills are used for two games, which also take
advantage of the available In-built states for Drag&Drop objects. Have a look
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Gone are the days when you had to use multiple objects and advanced actions to
depict changing the state of an object in Adobe Captivate. Here comes Adobe
Captivate 9, with the power of multi-state objects. You can now convert any
interactive or non-...
In Adobe Captivate, you can convert the interactive and non-interactive objects
to multi-state objects and easily add additional objects to the states allowing
you to quickly build interactions. Quiz slides in Captivate are locked down,
which prevent...
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Recording linkHandoutMulti-state objects in Adobe Captivate are a powerhouse of
possibilities to create interactions with absolute ease. If you’ve not yet
started using multi-state objects to build interactions, now is the time to
start using it. You...
Recently I answered several questions about button states, which proved that
some information is missing. For that reason I checked the official Captivate
document, and indeed to me it is not at all complete especially for buttons
which are the...
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I want to make a flip interaction using 2 states, normal and clicked. The
clicked state is a custom state built on the normal state. It has a lock icon on
the lower right corner that prevents it from being displayed with the 'go to
next state' action...
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