Articles with tag : captions
Accessibility is one of the most important features in today’s digital learning
environment. Closed captions are one such feature that enhances the
accessibility of eLearning content and improves comprehension for all learners.
The all-new Adobe Capt...
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Hello! I'm using Captivate 2017. I've re-scaled a number of simple projects with
audio included in the text captions from 1024x627 to 1920x1080. After doing so,
the audio still plays when I view individual slides or run through the entire
project in ...
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I was working on a project where I had two text fields. The learner would enter
the information and then click a Submit button. After the feedback, I wanted to
have the learner put in some new information in the same text fields. However,
there was n...
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In this 14-part blog series, so far we’ve learned how to create a responsive
project, rescale it, add Fluid Boxes to the slides, add objects to the Fluid
Boxes, apply background fill, and modify the properties of the Fluid Boxes. We
also learned how ...
Voices courtesy of WellSaid Labs. When I need voiceovers, I use WellSaid for
narration: https://www.wellsaidlabs.com
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