Articles with tag : click_replace
In a simulation, if I click on a Clickbox that is set to 'Go to the next slide',
the next slide that loads will skip to the next slide if I keep clicking
repeatedly. Each slide that I am able to skip has the 'Go to the next slide'
function either in ...
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Find and Replace and Spell Check are key features in producing quality eLearning
efficiently. Are these features on the roadmap? When can we expect to see them?
How to Add Multiple Click Boxes in #AdobeCaptivate #eLearning Training
I was curious if anyone has a way to audit a large amount of Captivate files for
key words?For context, an example would be if I have 57 lessons I need to audit
for the word “crisis” in order to substitute it for the word, “predicament”.The
current m...
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Hi there, I am still new to Captivate and learning. I created a Click-to-reveal
widget on my slide, however, when I go to preview the slide, the title, body and
instruction text are not displaying in either "desktop", "tablet" or "phone"
view. Howeve...
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Good Day, I have recently upgraded from Captivate 2017 to 2019. I am trying to
record a software simulation training and demo. I am using Automatic recording,
multiple monitors (I have tried recording from each monitor, including
disconnecting and on...
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