Articles with tag : svg
Is it possible to make an SVG full width in Captivate 12? Even if I use the SVG Media Block, remove all padding, and make the block take up the full height of the project, it still gets cropped on the edges. If I enlarge it so it is bigger than the s...
I would like to have Captivate change from a unique SVG per topic to an SVG checkmark after the user visits the link(s) provided. Is this possible?
INTRO I posted a sample project with a small game, using tons of SVGs extracted (with Illustrator) from one Adobe Stock image. For those interested in the workflow in Captivate, here is a short description of the setup. Maybe it can inspire you....SE...
Have some fun with this game: Hope you can reach the final view! SVGs were taken from one Adobe Stock image, using Export Assets in Adobe Illustrator. Some SVGs are used as buttons. Multistate objects, one shared action and two small advanced action...
... Hello Captivaters !... Another project where I play with the colors !...The objects :I use 4 buttons to define the colors (and of course you can use as many as you want !...) I use as many objects as I want... I use SVGs. All these objects have d...
... Hello Captivaters !... Yesterday night, I tried to play with svg's and colors... I had trouble with old svg I found on my computer, so I dowload inscape which is free and can produce svg... This is the first project I made : And the same one wit...
Hi Is the bug still there when SVG files in CP randomly appear and disappear. Cost me hours of extra work on my last project. Thanks mike
I have an responsive Captivate project. Working in Captivate 2019. SVG's are visible in normal editing mode. But when I preview or publish the project, 1 or 2 SVG's dissapear on the slides. Course contains 24 slides. Just 1 SVG per slide. I'm able to...
WHY? In this thread a Captivate user asked: "Captivate animations looped with JAVASCRIPT? Is that technically possible?' The description of the animation was a flickering button, looping all the time. This very short blog is not an answer, because I ...
It has been many years since I worked with captivate 9 and when I did use it, svg files were not allowed to be buttons. Now many years and many software generations later captivate 2019 still does not allow svg files for buttons. Can anyone explain t...
This summer just got a lot hotter! The latest update to Adobe Captivate is out now, it is free to Captivate users who either own Adobe Captivate 2019 or are on a subscription plan, and it is chock full of fresh, sensational new features and resources...
I'm designing custom icons for UI in Illustrator, and I'm doing responsive design. I would use Font Awesome, but we are on a closed network (Government). What format would be the best format to export from Illustrator and to import into Captivate 201...
This is a quick primer intended for new users wishing to move imagery from Illustrator to Captivate. It can be a little confusing (well, it confused me) which of the various save/export options you should be using. In the following video I run throug...