We found that in some of Vista machines with Real tek or Sigma tel sound card audio inside captivate doesn’t play back. Some customers who use USB mic for recording narration also observed that device is not getting detected by Captivate. These issues were reported more on Vista and we have one solution to address both the problems. – replacing the audio dll’s , Steps
- Close Captivate 4 if it is open.
- Download the file kept at https://share.acrobat.com/adc/document.do?docid=a14e1bd9-dc10-4456-9cd2-44489809b78e
- Go to your Captivate 4 install folder (ex: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Cativate 4)
- Rename nsaudio.dll as nsaudio.dll.bak or anything which doesn’t have a dll extension
- Copy the file from step 2 to Captivate 4 install folder
- rename it as nsaudio.dll
- Start Captivate 4
- Try to play the audio /use USB – it should go fine
Adobe just sent an email about a Cp4 patch to correct audio issues. Run from Cp4 Help, Updates… Worked perfectly (I have Win Vista 64bit)More details about patch are available here:https://elearning.adobe.com/2009/05/captvate_4_patch_update.html
For following problems -1. I can’t edit audio inside of Captivate.2. I can’t edit the timing of Closed Captions.Do following steps -1 – Close Captivate2 – Open command prompt “As administrator” on Vista. You can do this by locating cmd.exe – it will be typically in c:windowssystem32cmd.exe – right click it – in menu you will see – “Run as administrator” . Click that. Say Continue to the dialog which comes3 – > In command prompt window – Type “regsvr32 WaveEditCtrl.ocx” and press Enter4 – > Confirm that you got the success message.5 – > Reopen Captivate – things should be fineAnd in Vista you need to Run Adobe Captivate as administrator for some functionalities. So Run Captivate as administrator also if above does not solves your problem
This fix enabled me to preview audio inside of Captivate, but I’m still having the following problems on my Win64 Vista machine:1. I can’t edit audio inside of Captivate.2. I can’t edit the timing of Closed Captions.I’m guessing the remaining issues might be unique to 64-bit machines (which I know still aren’t supported by Captivate). At any rate, being able to preview audio is a definite improvement.
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