October 20, 2009
New in Captivate Exchange
October 20, 2009
New in Captivate Exchange

Captivate 4 has several avenues for possible extensions- especially given the new widgets and variables features. Captivate, like many of the other Adobe products, has an exchange where third parties can share product extensions and other assets that the larger Captivate community might find useful. While the exchange has been dormant for a while, a new set of content has been introduced on exchange this month. The new content on exchange ranges from widgets to stock animations- each of which you will find useful in enhancing the projects you create using Captivate. Most of the content on exchange is free. Even the ones you need to purchase are great value for money- given that it will allow you to differentiate your Captivate projects from the others, or achieve that special task that your customer wants executed in just this specific manner. Some of the new stuff on exchange I like are:

  1. Resume widget/ Bookmark widget- which allows your users to resume a course from the point they left off.
  2. Short answer formatting widget- that allows you to specify the font format for the short answer question type in Captivate
  3. The YAOTI animations- stock videos of actors phrasing common lines used in a course
  4. The corner peel widget- a nice fancy navigation alternative
  5. Launch Pad- a Flexible framework to launch multiple Captivate movies from one web page.

Also, if there are assets or extensions that you would like to share with or sell to the community, please submit them on exchange.


2010-01-28 19:19:01
2010-01-28 19:19:01

We are having the same problem with Cap 3? I don’t see an option to stop slide audio in 3 but it exists in 4. IS the best option not to include slide audio if you have the slidelets?

2009-10-31 03:50:57
2009-10-31 03:50:57

Thanks for the link. But I have a specific issue that needs to be addressed. HEre is the issue. When using the rollover slidelet, how do i completely stop background audio, when the mouse goes over the rollover slidelet. I selected “stop slide audio” in the slide. But the audio does not really stops, it pauses when you put the mouse over the rollover slidelet then resumes when the mouse is taken away. I NEED THE AUDIO TO COMPLETELY STOP LIKE WHEN USING BUTTONS!!! help.

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