Many of you must have received a mailer yesterday, inviting you to participate in the Captivate User Survey. Unfortunately, due to some technical glitches, the survey site was down. Our vendors have fixed the issue, and the survey is now live. We apologize for any inconvenience caused yesterday, and hope that you will take 15 mins to answer this survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us in improve the product.
If you did not receive the mailer, but would still like to participate, please do so by following this link.
Boy, I sure hope Adobe puts more resources into their applications than they/their vendor put into that survey. Clicking Next worked for me, but it took a few seconds each time with no indication that it was functioning. In one section, the radio buttons weren’t aligned correctly under the Somewhat Satisfied/Satisfied/Somewhat Dissatisfied descriptions, and it wouldn’t let me complete the survey until I had responded to questions about features I never use (and there was no option to say NA/I don’t use them).
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