July 2, 2010
Free Downloads of Adobe Captivate 5 & Adobe eLearning Suite 2 Trials are now Online
July 2, 2010
Free Downloads of Adobe Captivate 5 & Adobe eLearning Suite 2 Trials are now Online
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

After many weeks of waiting eagerly Adobe Captivate and eLearning Suite users may now download the free trials of [Adobe Captivate 5](http://bit.ly/1tBgsj). The release contains many significant enhancements that have Captivate and eLearning Suite users literally chomping at the bit to get their hands on it. You can also download the[ eLearning Suite here.](http://bit.ly/90WoAI)

Mac users are ecstatic as Captivate 5 and eLearning Suite 2 are now both available for the Mac OS, making the products the first major eLearning industry authoring packages to enter full force into support for the Apple Mac OS. Many Mac users have written, called and addressed me in person to wholeheartedly offer both encouragement and enthusiasm as we see Captivate and eLearning Suite move firmly into cross platform eLearning authoring tools.

Because of the addition of support for Apple Mac OS, Adobe engineers rebuilt Captivate 5 from the ground up – affording them an unprecedented opportunity to modernize every aspect of the tool. The performance enhancements are nothing short of amazing – with faster file start times, faster save times, a multi-document, Adobe standardized interface and dramatically enhanced workflows Captivate 5 has been called a ‘must have’ update in a recent review for[ Learning Solutions Magazine.](http://bit.ly/aS7TiL).

It’s little wonder Joe Ganci displays some enthusiasm about Captivate 5 in his review. It doesn’t take long to see that the time saved simply by using the propery inspector (always available) rather than clicking endless open and close boxes used in previous versions is only the beginning of usability improvements far too numerous to list.

We’ve been plugging away for months now creating resources to help everyone learn all about the new versions of Adobe Captivate and Adobe eLearning Suite as rapidly as possible. One of the most exciting efforts is our new eLearning Channel on [Adobe TV](http://bit.ly/c25eGV). We’ve added a bunch of great new videos to get you started and are making more every week. The eLearning Channel will include a wide range of videos including everything from tutorials to customer experience mini-documentaries. If you’re hoping for a top level overview of [Adobe Captivate 5, I recorded a 25 minute overview here.](http://bit.ly/9gNGcT)

I also recorded one describing [Adobe eLearning Suite 2, located here.](http://bit.ly/9fDkzR/)

Another highlight while you visit? Our own Kush Amerisinghe, video superstar from Ask The Adobe Ones[ interviewed me about the launch of eLS2.](http://bit.ly/cKrMyl)

Looking for something shorter to fill those 5 minute gaps. I’ve been posting a steady diet of mini-videos featuring Captivate 5 on the new [AdobeElearning Channel ](bit.ly/7Jizbh)on YouTube. Why not take a moment to subscribe and check out the latest offerings. The video short on [Fundamental Design & Composition Concepts for Multimedia eLearning](http://bit.ly/af0SH1) has proven very popular.

My good friend and colleague Priyank Shrivastava wrote a very nice [high level overview of Adobe Captivate 5 and eLearning Suite 2 ](http://bit.ly/acADTa)which you can check out here. He does a great job of highlighting the critical elements of the release.

RJ Jacquez, whose contributions to Captivate are legendary, has posted [a wonderful overview ](http://bit.ly/cm9yMD)of his very fine videos describing many of Captivate 5’s new features. And i’m sure we’ll see tons of additional contributions from the rich community of Captivate users as we all start to experience the new software. In fact, i’d encourage you to give your own feedback, and ask your own questions right here in the comments, as you download Adobe eLearning Suite 2 and / or Adobe Captivate 5, and see for yourself.

2012-01-24 20:32:00
2012-01-24 20:32:00

Rj Jacquez posted rather funny videos)

2010-07-12 17:26:38
2010-07-12 17:26:38

Edgard,Cp 5 was tested extensively for longer / larger projects. In general i’ve done 20-30 minute contiguous projects without issue. How many slides or sections in one project depends on a lot of factors, but essentially you can expect to do 600 – 700 average slides without issue. Keep in mind that in the end performance is also heavily dependent on the computer that plays back the content.Cp can publish output files in several ways. You can publish a single Flash file (SWF) – which is the normal route. You can also package things up into a zip file for use on a SCORM or AICC compliant Learning Management System. You can publish it as a video, as an exe (PC application) or as an app (Macintosh application.) You can embed the Flash in an Acrobat file as well.Hope that helps,Allen

2010-07-06 16:11:14
2010-07-06 16:11:14

Hi Allen.I’m planning develop a Large Presentation and I’m interesting in CP5, but I need to clear some doubt’s in order to select like development tool.I want to know a couples things,First: When I publish some project in CP5, The output it’s a File?, or you can publish a project in separate files, like media, pictures, videos, etc., and they can worked together like a single project.Second:How long can be a project?, I Mean, If I’m planning to create a lot of Slides, in this case, I have a six topics, and each topic have a slide each one, Someones have 65 slides, another 35, By the way, I wan’t to use animations, created in After Effects, but I don’t want to have the risk, if CP5 doesn’t work fine in Large Projects, What you think about it?, and can you help to clear my doubts. Thanks a Lot.

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