August 12, 2010
Advanced Actions / Learning interactions in Captivate 5 (Culminates in Soft Skills Sample)
August 12, 2010
Advanced Actions / Learning interactions in Captivate 5 (Culminates in Soft Skills Sample)
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

We had a great time at this week’s eSeminar, where the focus was on creating custom learning interactions using Adobe Captivate 5’s new Advanced Actions tools. This one is fairly advanced as Captivate authoring goes, but if you’ve had a little exposure to Captivate now I’d encourage you to have a look. The tools provided manage to be both very simple to use, and very powerful options to extend the functions normally available.

The OnDemand recording of the eSeminar is available here;
Advanced Interaction Development for Adobe Captivate 5 for Advanced Users

This one hour session will focus on Advanced Learning Interaction Design, Pedagogical and Development issues for eLearning. It will be hosted by Dr. Allen Partridge, Adobe eLearning Evangelist and is intended for Advanced users of Adobe Captivate, eLearning Professionals, Academics, and Training Professionals.

See it now, here: http:

During the session i presented a number of samples. I used a Captivate project for the slides rather than a PowerPoint, so i’m providing links to all of the resources here, and i’m embedding the Cp Soft skills project that we finished up with so you can see how it is used.

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Source for the above project is available here; Captivate 5 Soft Skills with Advanced Actions

Here’s the Slide Set I used in the eSeminar.

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Source for the slide set used in the eSeminar is here. Captivate 5 Slides Re Advanced Actions

Here are the links to several amazing tutorials that Lieve Weymeis has contributed to the Adobe Community Help Publishing system.
Customized Course Menu (apply effects)

Constructing tests with multiple scores

Conclusion based on multiple scores

Question files with partial scores and customized feedback

Customized Feedback (with video)

Hope to see you at any of our weekly eSeminars – you can always find the complete list of what’s coming, and what’s available at the link to Seminars on the right side bar of the Adobe Captivate Blog.

2021-12-08 06:39:14
2021-12-08 06:39:14

looking forward to learning more!

2012-01-14 15:35:50
2012-01-14 15:35:50

[…] Advanced Interaction Development for Adobe Captivate 5 for Advanced Users […]

2010-08-21 17:34:38
2010-08-21 17:34:38

[…] At the end of the session we begin to discuss the potential of Advanced Actions to help create more experiential kinds of learning interactions. You can learn more about Advanced Actions from last weeks eSeminar, including a sample of creating Soft Skills Simulations. The blog link for Advanced Actions eSeminar is here. […]

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