November 29, 2010
Spelling error free projects in Adobe Captivate 5
November 29, 2010
Spelling error free projects in Adobe Captivate 5
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Adobe Captivate 5 provides the ability to check spelling for text in your project such as text captions, slide notes, text animations and quizzes. Compared to Adobe Captivate 4, Adobe Captivate 5 has been enhanced to check spelling of text in Buttons and Table of Contents also.

Before you start spell check, you can customize the type of words you want check via the Spelling Options dialog. These are provided under ‘General Settings’ in the Preferences dialog. You can also access this while checking spelling, from the button labeled ‘Options…’ in check spelling dialog.

Adobe Captivate 5 provides the following spell checking options:

  • Main dictionary language: The dictionary language which is used during spell check. This option is ‘English’ by default. This can be changed by selecting the new language from the list. This option is also provided in the spell check dialog and can be changed while checking spelling.
  • Ignore capitalized words: Uncheck this option if you want to check words which start with a capital letter, such as ‘Adobe’. This option is set true by default.
  • Ignore all-caps words: Uncheck this option if you want to check words composed of all uppercase letters, such as ‘UPPERCASE’. This option is set true by default.
  • Ignore words with numbers: Uncheck this option if you want to check words with digits, such as ‘CS5’. This option is set true by default.
  • Ignore Mixed case words: Uncheck this option if you want to check words which are composed of upper and lower case letters, such as ‘ActionScript’. This option is set true by default. Note that mixed case words do not include those words which have just the first letter as capital, i.e. capitalized words.
  • Ignore domain names: Uncheck this if you want to check words which appear to be internet domain names, such as ‘’. This option is set true by default.
  • Report doubled words: Check this option if you want to be notified when the same word appears twice in a row, such as ‘the the’. This option is set true by default.
  • Case sensitive: If this option is set, capitalized and lower case versions of the same word are analyzed as separate. For e.g. ‘Chicago’ and ‘chicago’ will be checked and lowercase word reported as misspelled. This option is set true by default.
  • Suggest split words : With this option set, spell checking provides two word suggestions for misspelled words which appear to be two words joined together such as ‘press the’ for ‘pressthe’. This option is set true by default.

Adobe Captivate 4 used to provide separate options for Phonetic and Typographical suggestions. This has been removed in Adobe Captivate 5 and both kinds of options are suggested for misspelled words.

Spelling can be checked for the entire project or for a single text caption at a time.

  • To check spelling only for the current text object, enter text editing mode and then press the shortcut F7
  • To check spelling for the entire project, select ‘Project menu’->‘Check Spelling’, or use the shortcut F7

This opens up a dialog as shown:

On checking spelling, a set of replacement suggestions will be provided for each misspelled word in the text. Along with these options, the user has the following possible actions:

  • Ignore Once/ Ignore Always : Retains the old spelling
  • Ignore Always: Retain the old spelling for all following instances of the particular word.
  • Add To Dictionary: Add the old spelling to the user’s custom dictionary.
  • Delete: Removes the selected misspelled word.
  • Change: Selecting any of the replacement suggestions and pressing Change will replace the old spelling with the new spelling. You can also type your own new spelling in the text area provided.
  • Change All : Same as the above option, but changes spelling for all words which have the old spelling

Add to Dictionary’ provides the option to add your own words to the user dictionary. These words will be available in your dictionary across sessions.

The user dictionary is located at

  • Windows 98/XP: ‘Documents and Settings<user name>Application DataAdobeLinguisticsAdobe Custom Dictionary<current spelling language>’
  • Windows 7: “Users<user name>AppDataLocalLow AdobeLinguisticsAdobe Custom Dictionary<current spelling language>’
  • Mac:  ‘<boot>Users<user>LibraryApplication SupportAdobeLinguistics Adobe Custom Dictionary<current spelling language>’

The words added to the dictionary via the spell check dialog are added in the file ‘added.clam’. It is not possible to remove words which have been added in this manner. If the ‘added.clam’ file is deleted, all words added to the custom dictionary will be removed, and the next time you do ‘Add to Dictionary’ the ‘added.clam’ file is created again.

There is another way to add words to the user dictionary. Words which are added by this method can be removed from the user dictionary.

  • In the user dictionary location, create a file ‘added.txt’, if it does not exist.
  • In this file, add the words you want to add to your custom dictionary. Take care to add only one word in each line.
  • The next time you launch Adobe Captivate, all the words in this file will be available in the custom dictionary.

At any time you can remove words from ‘added.txt’ and these words will not be included in your custom dictionary.

In this way, you can use spell check to optimize your time and get rid of spelling errors in your content.

2010-12-06 06:11:08
2010-12-06 06:11:08

О! 确实很不错我可能下载。谢谢

2010-12-01 09:54:31
2010-12-01 09:54:31

Adobe Captivate 5 and Captivate 4 both cover Slide Notes/Closed Captioning while checking spelling.
While editing a Slide note/Closed Caption, pressing F7 will check spelling of that particular Slide Note/Closed Caption.
If the spelling of the entire project is checked, all Slide notes/Closed captions will be checked.

2010-11-30 10:28:49
2010-11-30 10:28:49

Has the spell check feature been updated to cover Slide notes/Closed Captioning as well? I don’t remember that working in CP4…

2010-11-29 15:33:34
2010-11-29 15:33:34

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ryan 2.0's blogroll and eLearning Learning, e-Learning Audio. e-Learning Audio said: RT: elearning: Spelling error free projects in Adobe Captivate 5: Adobe Captivate 5 provides the abi… #e-learning […]

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