March 1, 2011
Captivate Screen Capture on a PowerPoint inside another Captivate Project
March 1, 2011
Captivate Screen Capture on a PowerPoint inside another Captivate Project
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 226 people

I wanted to vlog you guys another video this week since there’s no eSeminar scheduled and I’m out of the office at a conference. This fun little tidbit is in response to one of the more common questions I get from Adobe Captivate users. The question? Now that Presenter (doesn’t matter which Presenter) doesn’t support embedded Adobe Captivate 5 files (because Presenter hasn’t been updated to AS3) how can I embed Captivate Video Captures, Application Captures, Application Simulations etc. onto my PowerPoints? My answer is generally … You know there is an easier way?

This 5 minute video demonstrates the easier Path. A lot of users don’t realize a.) how very simple it is to use PowerPoint files inside Adobe Captivate 5, and b.) how simple it is to embed Captivate 5 files inside Captivate 5 files. (Yup, you can do that.)

Hope you enjoy the video. Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions etc. either here or on the YouTube Channel. And hey, if you check out the eLearning Channel on YouTube, why not subscribe? We’re adding cool new videos there all the time. You’ll also find some awesome Captivate and eLearning Suite videos on the eLearning Channel at Adobe TV.

2011-03-29 22:19:17
2011-03-29 22:19:17

How did you get the entire captivate swf to come in as one slide? All my published demo swfs or custom swfs are multiple slides.

's comment
2011-03-31 05:43:30
2011-03-31 05:43:30
's comment

Diane, go to preferences and make sure that all of the external resources options are unchecked. This should give you a self contained module in a single swf.

2011-03-10 17:40:14
2011-03-10 17:40:14

Captivate Screen Capture on a PowerPoint inside another Captivate ……

[…]… Flash to HTML5 Conversion Tool on Adobe Labs hours ago; From Film to Game to Training and Education: Is the Entertainment Model the eLearning Model? #AdobeCaptivate~16 hours ago …[…]…

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