Thanks everyone for your response to the HTML5 – Coming Soon announcement on Facebook page and Twitter.
Soon is sooner now – You can now have an “Early Preview” of our HTML5 output for the iPad.
All you need to do is:
1. Get onto our Facebook page
2. Leave a comment on our Wall. Tell us why HTML5 interests you. We will get back to you with next steps.
Let the conversations begin!
wow this is great news, i have ipad 2 and i’m going to make html 5 soon. program indir
will be one heck of a shift if you guys can pull this off this quickly…assuming you’re not talking about simply changing the wrapper html that loads in the swf files : )
I saw your website is great! That is why I am writing to you with a proposal for cooperation.
CoderSky as a young magazine and we are looking for collaborators who would be willing to write articles for us on the programming in exchange for advertising in an international magazine. But this is not a necessity. We also offer the opportunity to exchange banners or referrers. For us, this will mean expanding readership, advertisingopportunity for you in writing of the increasingly standard
If you have any questions, write on, will be happy to answer.
mmm … use a company that sells the service of selling my information so I can do something that is wholly work-related.
somewhere, somehow your paradigms got all screwed up.
yes, i want to use this product on iPad. no, i will not to use a third-party program to register my interest.
Creating good eLearning means creating communities without having to reinvent the wheel every time. I respect Adobe’s decision to use Facebook. Let’s face it – most people have it. It is a tool that we can also make use of as learning developers. Facebook can be (and is) useful for a lot more than farmville and certainly not just for kids. My 80 year old mother in law is an active participant. I understand some people have purist views and balk at social networking but I think you do so at the risk of missing an opportunity to enrich your learning offering.
Joe – Our preview of HTML5 support is live on Adobe Labs – Here is a blog post to help you get started –
OK, this is ridiculous. All I want to know is…Does Captivate create an HTML5 version for the iPad? I am creating courses for our flash-based LMS and want to also upload (optional) iPad versions of the class.
Sure, I COULD go on Facebook, but my ex-wife met the guy she dumped me for on that site, and I swore never to use it again!
Can I just get an answer please?
Not too sure why Adobe wastes time with this stuff when there are so many bugs in Captivate that need fixing first. Perhaps not corrupting my audio in each project I do (putting gaps in where the slide changes), or mysteriously shifting the slide changes every now and then.
I made the following comment on the Facebook page but haven’t heard back. Is there anything else I need to do?
“Our clients want mobile solutions and right now we’re literally screen recording our Captivate presentations to post as videos on mobile devices. Bring on the HTML5 output for the iPad!”
[…] In related news, they are also releasing a tool to create HTML5 for iPad interactive content. That link will take you to a page with basic info. You can also post on the Adobe wall on Facebook, and you’ll get directions for a sneak-peak at the early release. We’ll let you know how that pans out! Advertisement LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_bg", "ffffff"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_text", "666666"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_link", "333333"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_border", "ffcc00"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_url", "6688ff"); LD_AddCustomAttr("LangId", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Autotag", "technology"); LD_AddSlot("wpcom_below_post"); LD_GetBids(); Share this:EmailPrintFacebookTwitterLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]
I’ve an avid user of HTML5 and Captivate so this aligns perfectly with my organisations vision.
I do not have a Facebook account, and I’m not understanding the short-sightedness here by requiring a Facebook account just to access this exciting preview 🙁
Don’t worry. Dont fall for this. This is a scam. There is no “pre release” or any special info on Facebook. I did everything they requested and have not heard from anyone at Adobe. Seems there are others on Facebook who have done the same with no results or contact from Adobe… I surprised to see Adobe operating like this. The term “bait and switch” comes to mind…
Hi, we will be using facebook for channeling all discussions related to this new feature. Hence for people interested in accessing the early version, it will be good if you have a facebook account and can participate in the conversation threads. The others will obtain access when we release it to the general public.
Sorry, but I agree with Webbo68UK, Tim and Magda. What is the sense of this blog when you want to force people to use facebook? I visit this blog every day and do not want to visit a stupid thing like facebook, too.
At the moment I’m really disappointed about what’s going on: discounts only for North Americans, features only for facebookers.
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