It’s super cool to share, so I thought I’d share another … SNEAK! Adobe Captivate 6 is going to be phenomenal. Here’s another reason why. From deep inside the labs I’ve sorted out the details of one of the incredible new features coming in Adobe Captivate 6, and it’s totally sensational. You’re going to love using the new Actors & Interactions. Check out the video to learn more. Enjoy! 🙂
Still starving for more information about Adobe Captivate 6? Follow me on twitter @adobeElearning and be the first one to know about what’s in store for you in Captivate 6.
You also stand a chance to win a full licensed copy of Adobe Captivate 6. Here’s how:
- Follow me on twitter @adobeElearning. Already following me? Just follow step 2.
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I’ll be announcing the winner on the 25th of July during my Captivate training session.
That’s a great tip! What about the limit on adding more tabs. The ‘+’ sign disappears after a few additions (and the amount seems to depend on the type of interaction), but I need to add at least one more to the timeline and it stops at 8 for me (I could swear that the image of the timeline shows 10 buttons when you are in the “select interaction” screen). Since the interaction can also be resized, I’m not sure why the limitation…does anyone know how to keep adding? Thanks!
Just downloaded the trial, but the characters cannot be inserted. Is it because it’s a trial?
Also inserted the circle interaction, but it’s not clear to me how I can remove segments.
Captivate 6 doesn’t seem to be as intuitive as Storyline for example…
Awesome! These features have been on my Captivate wish list. Very happy!
What other character categories do we have to choose from? Also, will we be able to save/export/import advanced action scripts? Will CP6 be available in Adobe’s Creative Cloud? Thanks!
Great that you are releasing tantalising Captivate 6 sneak peaks but it would be really GREAT to know when you are going to release Captivate CS6. Are we days, weeks or months away? This all has a bearing on our workflows and so please would you put uf out of our misery…
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