August 7, 2012
Adobe eSeminar: Flipping the College Classroom with Adobe Presenter 8 Video Creator
Date and time: Wednesday, 5th Sept, 2012 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM US/Pacific
Join Dr. Allen Partridge, veteran College Professor for this fascinating demonstration and discussion of flipping the college classroom. Participants will learn the fundamental principles behind the flipped classroom, the advantages of the constructivist approach, and how to easily migrate their lessons & lectures into online modules that students can use to investigate and research the principle topics. Includes demonstrations of Adobe Presenter 8 aimed specifically at supporting the technology needs of the flipped classroom.
REGISTRATION LINK: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/event/index.cfm?event=detail&id=2074765&loc=en_us&sdid=JZZHW
Group Technology Evangelist
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