August 12, 2014
Training: Sharp video lectures, sharper analytics – Be an A-list Educator!
August 12, 2014
Training: Sharp video lectures, sharper analytics – Be an A-list Educator!
Group Technology Evangelist
Staff 44 posts
Followers: 227 people

Topic: Sharp video lectures, sharper analytics – Be an A-list Educator!

Date and time: 9th October 2014, 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM PT

Description: Join Dr. Allen Partridge for this practical session focused on how to create and package great video lectures for all your eLearning needs. You’ll learn how to quickly and easily create professional quality videos from the comfort of your desk. Learn to attach a social discussion thread to your learning videos and to monitor, moderate and track student contributions to the video lessons. You’ll also learn how to use the Adobe Learner Dashboard to track student’s interactions with your videos. Finally, learn how you can associate a quiz with the video and even automatically track your learner’s performance.

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2015-04-17 00:53:00
2015-04-17 00:53:00

I am frustrated and looking for help with publishing a Captivate 8 file that has 2 short movies that were created using an iphone embedded. When it is published to my companies Intranet it takes 5 mins to render on the user’s screen even though it is only 17.4kb in size. My collegue and I have tried several settings while publishing inclduing HTML5, Movie, and SWF but nothing has helped. We have not been able to find anything that covers this online or with our Captivate help consultants.

Has anyone else had an issue similar to this?
Does anyone know how to get this to render quicker for our end users?

thanks for any help you!!!

's comment
2015-04-20 19:22:00
2015-04-20 19:22:00
's comment

Hi Jennifer,
Can you share the project with me at sankaram at adobe dot com. we will check at our end and update?

's comment
2015-07-28 18:59:00
2015-07-28 18:59:00
's comment

Hi Jennifer,
I am having the same frustration. Did you get resolution?

2014-09-01 18:04:00
2014-09-01 18:04:00

I find it a bit unusual why Adobe feels to lock us into an ecosystem even after we have paid for this pricey software.

Why cant we have these use this analytic without being tied to the browser hog adobe learner dashboard?

This features should just be packaged as part of the program to enable users independently use their products without
Adobe hungrily snooping into thier affairs

2014-08-15 01:19:00
2014-08-15 01:19:00

Hi there, this sounds really interesting. I’m wondering however, do I need any other software other than captivate 8 to participate? Thanks

2014-08-14 16:19:00
2014-08-14 16:19:00

Hi there. Comments turned off on your post re Presenter 10. I’m sure you’ll be expecting this next question and I’m sure it will have been asked before.

Here we go..

I’ve just purchased and downloaded Presenter 10 Video Express for Mac. A couple of questions:

First off, is the Mac version of Presenter likely to line up with the Windows version of Presenter 10 in terms of facilities. It would be really nice to have a quiz facility in the Mac version (could it not tie in with Keynote?).

Second, I have just upgraded to Captivate 8 and I could use it to make similar videos to those I could make in Presenter 10 (for Mac) but I really do like Presenter 10 and will use it a great deal, I’m sure. Now, here’s the question. Would it be possible to import Presenter 10 into Captivate 8 so I can combine the outputs from Captivate and Presenter. Would be really grateful if you would answer this question.

Otherwise, tinkering with Presenter 10 express for Mac and I know I am going to find this programme really useful and very handy for putting together tutorials and lessons.

Oh and finally, when (if ever) will Captivate and Presenter be included with Creative Cloud. That would be a perfect outcome for me!

Best Wishes

Richard Broom

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